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Posts posted by themanupstairs

  1. They don't have any real playmakers, or players who can break you down.


    Just look at what they can do, Henderson and Can are basically just better versions of Hayden and if Wijnaldum isn't ghosting into the box to score he's not doing much.


    Plus that's ignoring how meh it is defensively as already pointed out. It sounds nice on paper as they all decent players individually, but in reality it doesn't really do that much.


    This. I keep banging on about it but if I supported them I would be furious with the ludicrous way they handled 2 key decisions during the transfer window: 1- Choosing not to bring Keita in immediately and instead wasting money on OxC, and 2- Failing to move on from Van Dijk in time to bring someone competent if only to beef up a squad playing in the CL.



  2. Liverpool's midfield is terrible? :lol: Utter nonsense.


    It's quite good going forward but found wanting in defensive transition and often leave the back 4 exposed. They really needed Keita this season far more than they needed to blow their load on Oxlade-Chamberlain.


    I disagree like, I think their midfield has a very good balance to it, but that the back four and 'keeper are all pretty bad, particularly Lovren, Moreno and whichever 'keeper they play.


    Their own fans don't seem to rate their captain (neither do I), and see him as the weak link. The defence and keeper situation is mind-boggling. Apart from Matip and Clyne, they're all average players at best and seem to have no cohesion playing together which is a far bigger problem for them.

  3. Liverpool's midfield is terrible? :lol: Utter nonsense.


    It's quite good going forward but found wanting in defensive transition and often leave the back 4 exposed. They really needed Keita this season far more than they needed to blow their load on Oxlade-Chamberlain.

  4. Taking Liverpool to the title is almost impossible TBH. The only time they came close was when they stumbled on a superhuman player to carry them there.


    If Leicester can do it, then Liverpool can with the right investment.


    Leicester had a lot more balance to their main side than Liverpool do currently.

  5. These are in a dark place atm man, no light at the end of the tunnel either


    Hopefully they'll see a tiny flicker at the end of the tunnel, and as they look up with hope, the flicker dies out and they smash into a massive stone wall.

  6. Tbf all I said is they don't have the talent to contend for a title, not top 4. Them finishing top 4 wouldn't surprise me.


    But that isn't Klopp's fault and I doubt there's a manager alive who could make them title contenders with these players.


    They have the talent, its just not being utilised correctly. They don't have the actual talent to win the league agreed, but to compete, I believe they do. It is indeed Klopp's fault because he has spent a huge wedge on basically staying still. the football is good though... until they run out of stamina, however.


    They are kind of like Arsenal, too many samey samey players. Did they really need Oxlaide-Chamberlain? Salah even?


    Salah is decent and done well for them, not sure spunking 40m on the Ox was wise. That money could have landed two quality defensive signings would have been better for them.


    They should have paid 15m more and landed Keita now rather than wait for next season. He's exactly what they need in midfield.

  7. Tbf all I said is they don't have the talent to contend for a title, not top 4. Them finishing top 4 wouldn't surprise me.


    But that isn't Klopp's fault and I doubt there's a manager alive who could make them title contenders with these players.


    They have the talent, its just not being utilised correctly. They don't have the actual talent to win the league agreed, but to compete, I believe they do. It is indeed Klopp's fault because he has spent a huge wedge on basically staying still. the football is good though... until they run out of stamina, however.


    They are kind of like Arsenal, too many samey samey players. Did they really need Oxlaide-Chamberlain? Salah even?


    They needed to significantly strengthen their backbone. Their keepers, CB's (maybe apart from Matip), and central midfielders apart from Can aren't up to scratch. Jordan Henderson as captain of Liverpool makes me laugh every time.

  8. Key chances created is arguably the best one. Far more indicative of a good player than assists imo.


    Players get assists if they happened to pass to a guy before he hit a 30 yard goal. If someone is always creating chances they are generally going to be decent.


    Yup. Joe fucking Allen got an assist for Shaqiri's goal the other day. He did fuck all but pass sideways and Shaqiri did everything else.

  9. s*** club, worse fans. Can't wait for them to f*** off.



    Not at all. Wonder what happened to that shit (and only) song they wouldn't stop singing last season and the one before. It's been replaced by another shit song that drones on and on but with less intensity.

  10. I think he's a complete and utter fraud personally. f*** knows what that mess of a system he was playing yesterday was supposed to be. Mame Diouf as a f***ing wingback :lol:


    Same here. He talks like he's Alex Ferguson, in reality his teams look like a poor man's version of Tony Pulis. At least Pulis doesn't try and pretend he's anything other than an old fashioned British manager. Nothing wrong with it either if you get the basics right, it's not pretty but it will keep you in the division.


    Yup. Listening to his interview he erms and stutters when talking about the technical side of the game, the same way pardew did. Pseudo-intellectual guff.

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