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Posts posted by themanupstairs

  1. Watch Henderson. He's supposed to be captain, yet stands around either marked by Spurs players, or too close to the ball carrier that he can't be passed to. Absolute fraud.

    Yeah that's horseshit.


    It isn't. He's your bog standard English midfielder with no intelligence armed with lots of pointless running and the sideways pass.


    That's not what you said though is it? What you originally said was horseshit.


    Even then that's bollocks, he plays first time balls forward very often, hence his assist today.


    When I typed that up, I watched him for ten minutes do nothing other than stand around the center circle and point fingers. He's average at best and a bottler on top of that. Carry on though.

    10 minutes, in a match where he's assisted with an amazing through ball and Liverpool are 4-1 down. Conclusive. [emoji38] Try watching them more often and it might dawn on you that the above is comprehensive tosh.


    I have seen them a lot more than I probably should. I have also spoken to many Liverpool fans who are starting to wake up to the fact that he's a fraud who has one good game in ten, offers no protection to the defence or much goalscoring threat. He might do as a squad player for them, but being their captain, for there they want to be, is a fucking joke like.


    Whether I'm right or wrong in your opinion, I really couldn't care less :lol:

  2. Watch Henderson. He's supposed to be captain, yet stands around either marked by Spurs players, or too close to the ball carrier that he can't be passed to. Absolute fraud.

    Yeah that's horseshit.


    It isn't. He's your bog standard English midfielder with no intelligence armed with lots of pointless running and the sideways pass.


    That's not what you said though is it? What you originally said was horseshit.


    Even then that's bollocks, he plays first time balls forward very often, hence his assist today.


    When I typed that up, I watched him for ten minutes do nothing other than stand around the center circle and point fingers. He's average at best and a bottler on top of that. Carry on though.

  3. Watch Henderson. He's supposed to be captain, yet stands around either marked by Spurs players, or too close to the ball carrier that he can't be passed to. Absolute fraud.

    Yeah that's horseshit.


    It isn't. He's your bog standard English midfielder with no intelligence armed with lots of pointless running and the devastating sideways pass.

  4. Watch Henderson. He's supposed to be captain, yet stands around either marked by Spurs players, or too close to the ball carrier that he can't be passed to. Absolute fraud.


    His ball for the Liverpool game was brilliant.


    It was. Not sure how much he meant it tbh. Salah did very well to get to it.

  5. Number one cause of Liverpool's defence woe is the manager. Lovren's not a terrible player but he's a shell of himself. No confidence in what he's doing.


    Lovren has been terrible his entire career except for Southampton, also I don't think it's fair to pin individual mistakes on a manager.


    Structural and systematic problems sure you can blame the manager, but not individual mistakes as that's on the player.


    How about an awful transfer strategy failing to address their real problems for two years running?

  6. This is our guy. I'm convinced of it.




    Maktoum :lol:


    I wish.


    Out of all the Arab royalty, he and Kabous (Oman) are the only ones I would be happy to have own NUFC.

  7. Christ. Lot of f***ing assholes in here this morning. f*** you, too.


    Jozy man :lol:


    Seriously though, says more about the management than anything else. USA should be in every world cup finals on paper but maybe this will be a wake-up call.

  8. 30 minutes in and it's already very very good. Shearer is woke AF, an incredibly intelligent character.


    True Geordie himself takes his work very seriously and he's been improving year on year. Never understood the venom towards him.

  9. Do we really need to play Dier and Henderson together? Despite having two defensive midfielders, our back four was still regularly exposed.


    If you keep on losing the ball and getting hit on the break, you're in trouble regardless of who is in front of the defence. The balance in the midfield was all wrong tonight.


    Can't be having an England team without the famous Liverpool famous captain famous. Liverpool captains are what England are made of mate!! Despite him being a totally average nothing footballer, he must be in the side for his Englishness and complexion.

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