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Posts posted by themanupstairs

  1. Managers who play unapologetically dire football in the name of results have absolutely no goodwill to play with when results go south for a period of time.  Unlucky.


    There'll be pundits queuing up to tell WBA fans that they should have been delighted with the holy grail of surviving every season but if they were sick of watching that s*** then I don't blame them.  As a fan, football's pointless if all it is is a grind.


    Spot on, defeats the whole point of sport.


    Yup. It also shows that the manager is only out for himself to make sure he can always get another job when this gig goes south. "Look i can get results, me".

  2. Don't really like it when he continually keeps banging on about the lack of quality in the side, can't be good for the players confidence.


    Why not? It's the reality. I don't imagine any of the players don't know this deep down. The idea is that if they stick together and believe in Rafa and his methods, they could do well as a collective.

  3. Well if we're all contributing with bits and pieces of what we've heard, I was told the following by my cousin, who is a personal friend of Murat Ulker:


    While having dinner with Murat and his entourage, I asked about NUFC, and their reply was "we're going for it".


    I've since asked my cousin to try to get more info.


    This biscuit man? I thought he'd already ruled out any interest.


    Yes it's biscuit man. I told my cousin the same which is why he said he'd ask them again.

  4. Not for me, some things shouldn't be bought. There's so little left in football that's not tainted by the stench of money that we should fight for it.


    The euphoria of winning is often about overcoming adversity to achieve results. With bags of money comes a reduced sense of that feeling of achievement. I would definitely prefer to be bought by someone intelligent with decent finances (like Ashley basically on the finances part), who will understand what it takes to create a positive club environment and give the manager what he needs to succeed.

  5. Worked a fair bit in Southampton last few months and by all accounts his team was functional, but boring, and he wasn't as animated as say their last two managers were on the touch line. General consensus though was that he didn't deserve to be sacked despite many not wanting him to remain. Wrong fit for them I supposed.


    Maybe it would be easier if you told us where you haven't worked in the last few months, as  you seem to be up and down the country talking football willy nilly.


    That's all I do going around the UK talking about football, great isn't it.


    Great stuff. Maybe you should be documenting it in some form or another.

  6. Worked a fair bit in Southampton last few months and by all accounts his team was functional, but boring, and he wasn't as animated as say their last two managers were on the touch line. General consensus though was that he didn't deserve to be sacked despite many not wanting him to remain. Wrong fit for them I supposed.


    Maybe it would be easier if you told us where you haven't worked in the last few months, as  you seem to be up and down the country talking football willy nilly.

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