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Posts posted by Novocastrian

  1. 33 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    Rambo Reilly, Joe Allon and Tony Cunningham whey we haven’t got anything to whinge about these days.


    Big game mentality required on Sunday, smash these scouse cunts and Bruno to arrow the winner in and take the fucking roof off SJP.

    Billy Whitehurst!


    From Wiki - “Whitehurst's robust style of play attracted much notoriety and he is considered by many to have been the hardest player to have played the game”.

  2. 4 minutes ago, gbandit said:

    That’s a big statement. Grealish is a very good footballer who isn’t quite at the very top for his position. I think Gordon will be more versatile than Grealish, he already is, and he might offer more to the team but to be better than Grealish he still has a way to go

    Understand what you are saying, I often think Grealish is somewhat constrained in that City team to some extent. I do think Gordon has something special and once he nails down a position he can call his own he’ll show his worth.

  3. 5 hours ago, TheGuv said:

    I managed to get get one last night after refreshing the ticket page every minute for around 2-3 hours. And even then I had to click on the seat within 2-3 seconds. I missed out on a handful as I was too slow. 

    I’d rather not have to do that every week tbh and I doubt I’ll be that lucky either. 

    However, 3 of my friends and family cohort that I would go to the games with have all been unsuccessful in the ballot, unsuccessful in yesterday’s 10am queue and also couldn’t get any last night and this morning on resale despite trying the refreshing technique. 




    Did exactly the same yesterday afternoon and got two in two separate goes. Although I was refreshing the page on and off from 1000 in the morning until after 1630. I got kicked off my laptop for being ‘a robot’ so moved onto my mobile which I actually found a bit quicker, that’s when I snagged the two seats. Before that I was getting beaten to the punch trying to manipulate the mouse. Bored on Teams calls today and out of curiosity I went back in and there were a few adult tickets popping up which were snapped up almost immediately.

  4. 1 hour ago, patrone said:


    That's not right to be fair, membership was a thing pre Ashley.


    Not that it matters now like, but they've been a thing for years.

    The current Membership came in around 1999/2000 IIRC. I’ve still got my original membership number. One of the selling points was to go on the season ticket waiting list. I then got a season ticket after the expansion to 52k.

  5. 2 hours ago, The College Dropout said:

    1. I just don’t think we sign a LB.
    2. I consider Burn a defensive weakness in the team.
    3. The Livra fee is very high. He needs to be more than backup. We must think there’s a way we can play both at times.  

    I don’t love it at all. But it is an option.  

    I get a bit nervous when Burn is on the ball but in fairness to him as a defender he’s more than adequate. I’m surprised he wasn’t exposed more often last season but he largely held his own even against the speedsters and  Saka’s etc. It’s going forward where I think Burn’s shortcomings lie. We need an energetic, over-lapping LB to complement the threat down the right.

  6. 27 minutes ago, James said:

    At this point probably worth mentioning that anyone we sign henceforth has missed pre-season and we all know how Howe is with players who aren’t properly conditioned / tactically prepared.

    Yes, even if someone came in tomorrow they are going to miss the first 3-4 games at least. This isn’t Bruce ball, they aren’t getting thrown straight in. 

  7. 16 minutes ago, Armchair Pundit said:


    But Shearer scored 283 top flight goals, Kane's only scored 213. At 30 I can't see Kane scoring 71 more English top flight goals to beat Shearer... or are we only talking about Premiership goals? Bit skewed if so.




    Either way you want but if we are including Shearer’s 23 Div 1 goals then we need to include Greaves’ 357. Kane still miles off.

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