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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Neil


    :fwap: :fwap: :fwap:
  2. But regardless, NEWCASTLE UNITED will never be defeated.
  3. Valencia to star in big-fish-in-a-small-pond-goes-to-big-club-and-gets-found-out-for-being-well-,-not-that-good scenario shocker?
  4. Apparently not; I was gonna say he was over 21 but then realised that means fuck all for the U-21s.
  5. It'll be a right twat if we have to do the whole rotating keeper thing again tbh.
  6. I think it's more to do with the fact that Shepherd will no pretty much what's wrong with us financially from when he left us. I worry for Dave's health.
  7. Put it this way... whatever it says on the electronic board, that's how long you'll have to wait, so it's accurate in that sense. Hopefully no more than 5 minutes but Me and Nixon had to wait over 10 last time.
  8. Actually it should be 1.45pm - game KO is at 2pm. Also, Nixon, you do realise we will not be playing anything like this 4-3-2-1 formation you've concocted. 2-5-3 probably. Well, aye, getting there for quarter to. But inevitably I can see us kicking off at about 10 past.
  9. He can't be replaced because he was their best player? Can't agree with that to be honest.
  10. I know. Stephen got to it before Dave
  11. We'll make their team look like a junior detention centre. Come on Josh. BITE!
  12. Shambolic state of affairs. With Pilko guarding standing around in front of the back four, we're sorted.
  13. fair enough, i will sneak round the back. That's cheating.
  14. Me and Nut will sort out Kris. Plate of chips on the edge of the box.
  15. My Mackem-supporting friend probably represents a reasonable supporter: he is amused by Newcastle's demise, in his words "it's good for them to know what we have gone through", but ultimately knows that they weren't much better, and he concluded that Sunderland, Hull, Newcastle and Boro were all as bad as each other.
  16. A storming Reds comeback is what dear Stephen is suggesting.
  17. I was scheduled to play CM/DM but if I need to I'll fill in at CB for a bit.
  18. SA have shown periods in this tournament that they may have their say next year, and won't be much of a pushover.
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