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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 2 minutes ago, RodneyCisse said:

    Has much been made of the Spanish Super Cup final being in Saudi later today?

    Was there 3 years ago and last year so don't think much has been said this time around


    Was a little bit of noise initially though similar to AJ fighting there 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:

    Hope he doesn't get booed because people think booing former players is what you do and circumstances don't come into it.

    Pissing in the wind I know.

    Maybe Sir Les style, cheer to start, boo throughout and then cheer at the end (if we win)

  3. 31 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Forest got it absolutely spot on as it turned out. Aurier has turned out to be cracking for them for example, Lodi is finding his feet now he's up to speed...

    Aye, fair play to them, it does appear that their approach is going to pay off


    It's clearly a massive risk and if it doesn't pay off you potentially set the club back many years

  4. 32 minutes ago, Cronky said:


    I think it's an example of VAR not having a good influence. In order to bring some uniformity, they simplified the interpretation of the law by saying that if the attacker doesn't touch the ball or prevent a defender from influencing play, then they aren't offside. This instance tests that interpretation to the limit, but according to the current practice, the ref and VAR were correct in allowing the goal to stand. 


    Maybe the law needs tweaking to include 'in possession of the ball' which Rashford undoubtedly was.


    For many years, the law was applied too strictly, and I think it's positive that there's a more relaxed take on it. The classic example of this was the Leeds 'goal' in the 1975 European Cup final- 



    I don't think there is an issue with the law


    It has reference to interfering with play, which he clearly does


    The ref made a mistake but VAR didn't want to get involved as it regarded it a a subjective decision and they apparently only get involved if they consider it a howler. Again the issue being it was a howler so why they didn't see it that way is absurd 


    Similar to how Fraser was wiped out by Ederson and it was justified by the ball being far away and not in his possession we'll see plenty of examples in the coming matches which makes a mockery of the above

  5. 41 minutes ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:

    That Fernandes goal. Wow :lol: 

    It really is ridiculous 


    Such a shit decision for such a huge game, in the moment it's one thing to make a poor decision but they have the luxury of VAR and still get it so wrong 

  6. 1 hour ago, Unbelievable said:

    How was that onside? Feet were level with Forest player leaning forward


    edit: player even confirmed it himself




    This is the first Johnson goal?


    Just seen it as well


    Makes me even more annoyed Isak's was disallowed against Liverpool 

  7. 39 minutes ago, TRC said:

    Napoli vs Juve tonight. Havent seen much of Serie A this year, should be a good game or just watch Villa vs Leeds?

    Looking forward to this


    Juve are on a great run, only conceded 7 goals all season


    Big opportunity for Napoli to put themselves 10 points clear of Juve so hopefully they can get the job done (they were poor against Inter a couple of games back)

  8. 3 minutes ago, Cf said:

    Don't see what dropping him for a game achieves. Fine him, have him attend a course, do some community awareness work, throw him and his car into the Tyne, stuff like that. A day off work isn't what I'd usually prescribe as punishment.

    Not sure why people compare it to the average job when it comes to it being a day off or they wouldn't be punished in their job


    Football is clearly very different and even Howe made comments when criticising Klopp's behaviour about having a responsibility to how he conducts himself

  9. 1 hour ago, Theregulars said:

    For sure, and he’ll be punished. But my point is before everyone starts saying what a terrible human being he is and how he should be put in a kennel wearing nothing but a torn kilt while everyone throws rocks at him, sometimes it’s useful to provide some context (or, in this case, hypothetical context). 

    He has made a mistake. It may be a slight mistake or a big mistake depending on circumstances that we don’t know. It’s just tiresome that we always have to have the conclusion and judgment like a downloadable iTunes song in 30 seconds. 

    I’ll support him because I don’t think he’s a bad person. Im biased because he’s a Newcastle player.

    I don't think anyone that has criticised him has said he should be severely punished


    I think the majority stance is what he did was a bellend thing to do, he'll rightly be punished by the law.


    Then there is some difference of opinion on whether the club suspend him or not. I personally think Howe should drop him for a game, though aware not everyone will have that opinion.


    After that, he should be brought back into the team and we can all move on.

  10. I get the feeling Howe will see him as more than just a footballer, he's a role model and loads of kids (adults too) look up to him and adore him (didn't someone get a tattoo of him?)


    He's put Howe in a real shit situation, I do feel one match suspension should happen

  11. Just now, Lazarus said:

    He'll get booed at the next home game no doubt - what an absolute idiot. Someone in his position - you just cant take the chance. Nobody can.


    Theres probably an internal disciplinary process for when the police become involved too.


    I know ive joked about a maiming bonus in his matches but fucking hell...

    I'd be surprised if he gets booed


    The more I think about it the more I hope he gets suspended for 1 game at least 

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