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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 9 minutes ago, joeyt said:

    I've never really got the "Trent should be a midfielder" thing when his best attribute is his crossing

    Same, just don't think he has the attributes to play in midfield nowadays 


    Though I do think when teams played 4-4-2 then he would have been class on the right win but no serious team really plays that formation any longer 

  2. 9 minutes ago, gbandit said:

    Sad conclusion to a great career. Never liked him but he didn’t need the payday, he could have surely found a better level to have continued at competitively but whatever. Will be interesting to see if he can maintain the hunger playing in that league 


    He did a summer your around Europe and all the top clubs rejected him


    I don't think his ego could allow him to play for a mid-table club and they wouldn't be able to afford it, so it kind of makes sense he'll try to make as much money as he can



  3. 3 minutes ago, Mattoon said:


    He seems like a canny bloke, does some great charity work outside the game. He is extremely thick, he knows he was out of line with what he said about Almiron and has been apologetic. He was a big fish in a small pond at Villa and the main man, at City he's just another number and they've ruined him, shadow of his former self, in hindsight a bad move for him. Can see him being sold on and coming back to form in a lower table team.

    I also think the way City play doesn't suit him and he hadn't adapted to their way of playing 


    He excelled at Villa where they would mostly defend deep and then play on the counter, I think he needs a lot of pitch in front of him

  4. 1 minute ago, midds said:

    Something about Grealish I absolutely loathe. He's such an entitled and obnoxious little cunt like. 


    That's probably it tbh

    I actually like the guy, think he's mostly canny


    He's thick as owt like and his Miggy comments were unnecessary 


    Massive flop though 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Hanshithispantz said:

    It's fair enough from Pep like, footballers being out of shape during a season should be pretty inexcusable for any half decent manager.

    I do agree, just makes you think what was the England management doing?


    Unless of course he's piled it on during his break after the WC

  6. Just now, madras said:

    What was the Kalvin Philips bit ?

    Pep said Phillips returned to City overweight


    Considering he was away with England it's a bit strange but maybe Pep has higher standards

  7. 18 minutes ago, Danh1 said:

    Love how quick he is off his line to clear balls over the top. Proper sweeper keeper. Also love how he relieves pressure at the end of games by coming out and plucking the ball out of the air and then falling to the ground and wasting a good half a minute. Celebrated like a goal has been scored too by the fans. 

    He's impressed in many ways but that has been the most impressive


    The amount of times with Dubravka in the side you'd see the ball played over the top and he'd stay rooted to his line whereas now I'm confident that Pope is rushing out


    It is bound to go wrong at some point but I don't mind that because it mostly goes well

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