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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 11 minutes ago, Alberto2005 said:

    You'd never see Bruno or Trippier sauntering back in to position so much. I've been at games where he's literally 2/3 into their half when the ball is on the edge of our penalty box.

    I saw him sprint the length of the pitch against Wolves to try and help defend and that was late on in the game 


    And even in his recent appearances off the bench you see him try and defend more, he's just not good at defending 

  2. 31 minutes ago, TheBrownBottle said:

    I fucking didn’t, and neither did anyone I know.  Chugging pints in the away end and bringing back a KK well past his sell-by date as a manager made most of us nervous, not excited.


    I can’t speak for anyone outside of me and my mates, but the day KK returned as manager coincided with a mate’s 30th.  There was a big group of lads out with him - all NUFC supporters - and only one of them was genuinely excited.  The rest of us were nervous as it suggested a thin-skinned man desperate to appease and a man with fuck all knowledge of football. 

    Well, I'll clarify then, the majority of the fanbase loved Ashley 

  3. Just now, Wallsendmag said:


    He made himself popular by sacking Allardyce and bringing back Keegan. It lasted a few months then his true colours emerged which caused the change in supporters mood. He didn't invest a penny of his own money in the club. He bled it dry. Ellis Short ploughed in 100s of £millions of his own cash into Sunderland to give them their longest unbroken top flight run in the top flight since the 1950s. He deserved more appreciation. The 2 owners don't compare in terms of their investment or intentions.

    I totally understand why the fans turned on Ashley, for me the Keegan moment was it, for others it was probably a bit later.


    Also, as comparisons you'll get no arguments from me that he was the worst.


    However, I just think it's harsh to say they are fickle cos they changed their mind towards him when we've done the exact same with Ashley and also numerous examples with players too.

  4. On Ellis Short, what I would say is that I think his intentions were good and he lost a lot of his money into that club, though accept the argument it's partly due to mistakes he made


    The difference with Ashley is that he didn't have good intentions and he walked away with a healthy profit at the end of it



  5. 1 hour ago, Wallsendmag said:


    You lot all loved Ellis Short when he wore a FTM pin badge. Some people are easily won over I suppose and then are just as quick to turn the other way. Think it's called Fickle or something like that.

    Mate, we all loved Ashley at the start


    Football fans are fickle, it's not uniquely Mackem behaviour 

  6. 18 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    Looking like that’s two struck off already against Chelsea ? Still 45mins to go admittedly.

    I'm discounting cups 


    I don't see them doing that in the league 


    In their next 6 they have Man-U, Spurs (twice) and Arsenal 


    Win all 6 and I'll concede I was wrong 

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