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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Yeah, I don't see what he did wrong, his opinion on where they should be is shared by others here so it was hardly an absurd comment


    Having said that, since the comparison was raised, this was mild compared to what any Newcastle fan gets on RTG

  2. 1 minute ago, TRon said:


    If his wage demands are too high for us, I can't see how West Ham will agree to them. Unless he's willing to lower them in order to be in London, in which case they can have him.

    I think it's probably more a case of them not being warranted


    Lingard is probably demanding huge wages since he's on a free but the reality is he's had a total of 12 months of decent football in a decade, he can't justify demanding such wages and I'm glad we won't pay it

  3. Just now, brummie said:

    I know there is an element of "you would say that, wouldn't you" but Moss is absolutely determined to give everything to Liverpool.


    Even when he did give the 3 clear fouls in quick succession by Fabinho he made sure his card didn't leave his pocket

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