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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 17 minutes ago, North Somerset Gas said:


    Tricky to have to be impartial, and haven't watched much Championship football recently.


    If he goes to a Championship club then he is certainly going to get more time/space on the ball, something not afforded so much at L2 level.


    Playing at this level he has learned that side of his game very quickly, along with the physicality of L2 which I would say is more brutal than any of the other of the leagues.


    For a lad so young he is very cool headed on the ball and isn't afraid to demand the ball when he is in space, he wants to be involved all the time, and certainly let his team mates know if he doesn't receive the ball in space! 


    Wherever he is next season this boy needs plenty of game time, it would be a travesty to see him end up at a Championship club only to spend more time on the bench.


    For me it's not about the level, more his surroundings and team mates, the ability to enjoy the game which he has done since January.


    It's easy to forget the lad is only 19, and has played around that number of games in his career so far, very early days and I just hope he plays week in week out where he can enjoy his football and develop, but not for WBA!  

    Completely agree, he's done brilliantly but as you say he hasn't played a lot of football 


    I think the sensible thing is for him to have a 6 month loan with you and then we can either bring him into the first team or get him in The Championship for the final 6 months 


    I'd much rather he play week in week out in League 1 instead of getting 5/10 mins for us or even a championship side

  2. 16 minutes ago, leffe186 said:

    Whilst I agree, it would be remiss of me to not mention the fact that Spurs’ record against the top two this season is W2 D2 L0.

    Funnily enough Klopp should be thanking you since you beat City twice instead of having a go

  3. 2 hours ago, Kanji said:

    There’s a lot European football can learn from American sports - the fan experience does matter in modern times. Whether you like it or not. The accessibility and access on Tv matters. The ticket sales, resale market does. Ticket operations is about 30 years behind ours. The idea English football allows clubs to just disappear - doesn’t happen here. Fans wouldn’t have to suffer that - or another mike Ashley. 

    Genuine question but don't clubs in US Sports get shifted? And often quite far distances? What happens to the fans in that scenario?


    Is that not the equivalent of clubs disappearing? 


    This is based on what I hear people say so not sure how much truth there is in it. 

  4. 24 minutes ago, James said:

    playing the next two games with us is what he needs, give him a chance when he is brimming with confidence and match fitness and whilst we aren’t panicking about results.

    Apparently it's against the rules but if it isn't then giving him some minutes isn't a bad idea


    Would definitely still loan him next season, he's still young so let's give him as much football as possible in an environment he's clearly thriving in

  5. 27 minutes ago, Robster said:

    I haven't seen the interview but that's poor craic, that. I know he'll be upset over dropping points but fuck me, pretty much everything goes their way these days. He's got to show some humility.

    He also had a go at them for time wasting 


    Klopp is a brilliant manager and I thought he was canny refreshing at the start but more and more of late he's become insufferable 


    Maybe I'm biased cos I like Pep but I find him to be a lot more gracious in defeat 

  6. Amazing stuff today by Rovers, delighted for their fans and chuffed that Anderson played a pivotal role


    I know some are saying bring him into the first team but we need to remember he is still a kid and has played a handful of mens football, we could bring him in the first team but chances are he won't get too many minutes


    I think the right thing is for him to continue to play week in week out as that is far better for his development, a step up in level is ideal and we know he's in the right environment so I think a loan until January is what we should do, then review the situation then, either we look to find a championship club or even bring him into the first team

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