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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Always felt Brentford would be okay, they managed to get enough points on the board early doors so they just needed to nick the odd win here and there which they've done, their challenge will be next season 


    As for that last spot as I think Norwich and Watford are done for, I think it will be Leeds. I think Burnley will just finish ahead of them and Everton will pick enough points from home 

  2. 14 minutes ago, Nobody said:

    Don't know, but their "project 2030" or whatever it's called is all about them moving away from being oil dependent and becoming a part of the "modern" world i thought. 

    I'll admit that I'm really not clued up on Saudi Arabian politics at all, just going off bits and pieces that I've seen.

    But when it comes to capital punishment, it still exists in the so called leader of the modern world so why would Saudi Arabia abandon that even if they want to become more western?

  3. 1 minute ago, Froggy said:


    Messi got the plaudits in the two finals against us in '09 and' 11 but Iniesta was absolutely sublime. 

    In 09 I thought Iniesta and Xavi were better than Messi but in 11 Messi was clearly the best player on the pitch, though Iniesta and Xavi were mint too


    Absolutely loved watching both of those finals

  4. 2 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

    It's also brutal that in any other era, Iniesta would be considered the greatest on the planet, but he never really got a sniff. He was a sensational footballer.

    Aye, such a graceful footballer, the way he would glide past players was a joy to watch 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

    Can't imagine anyone who's staunchly Messi or Ronaldo even giving an inch at this point tbh. I've always thought Ronaldo being involved in a comparison with Messi was a massive compliment to him if you dare to look beyond goals, but it's a waste of time trying to argue over it now I think.

    Yeah, this is a fair point


    I don't think amongst all the debates I've seen or been involved with when it comes to Messi-Ronaldo any side has went "oh yeah, since you say that he is better"


    Though, I do find the reasons given by those that say Ronaldo often find their reasoning crumble under the slightest bit of questioning (as evidenced by Froggy tonight)

  6. 1 minute ago, Froggy said:


    This is a thread specifically created about the downside of Saudi ownership, and Saudi Arabia just had the biggest mass execution in their history today. Given the sanctions placed on Abramovich due to the war in Ukraine it's a massive discussion point. 


    Pretty poor comment from an admin of the forum. Do better. 


    Are you concerned because your club might have to sever ties with Saudi Telecom? 

  7. Just now, Froggy said:


    Miles better? If you compare them both when they were in La Liga is there even anything in it? I think Ronaldo has more goals per games in the league when he was in Spain. If he had started his career there like Messi this wouldn't even be a debate. 


    Messi is just much easier on the eye. He's a better footballer. Doesn't mean he's the greatest footballer. 


    Actually, whilst they were both in the same league at the same time their scoring rate was pretty much identical


    Ronaldo had that scoring rate because he was at his peak when he joined Real Madrid, you are delusional if you think he would have put those numbers up if he joined Real at 18 

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