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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 3 minutes ago, huss9 said:

    people say howe got lucky with the clark red card.

    he did a bit but it was howe who kept him in midfield and instructed him before and all through the man u game - he could easily have been dropped or another midfielder brought in.

    so kudos.

    Of course he deserves credit for keeping him there but the initial reason he was in midfield was due to circumstance 


  2. He's amazing, the turnaround is absolutely fantastic to see and I can't think of another player that has changed position so starkly. Especially since he was largely poor as a striker.


    I always felt he would do well in Serie A as I thought he was fraction too slow in thought, which makes it even more surreal that he's performing in midfield and to such a high standard.


    Despite him being poor as a striker the one thing that he could never be accused of is a lack of effort, he's always given it all and he would always battle through knocks.


    Also, he deserves a huge amount of credit for not giving in. Considering the stick he used to get, some of which clearly crossed the line, being talked about as the biggest flop in PL history the easy thing to do (and we've seen many players do it) would have been to just give up and coast his way through knowing he has a 6 year contract. However he continued to graft, was great to read he had employed his own analyst and yes him playing in midfield was by chance but the effort he put in leading to it was invaluable. 



  3. 19 hours ago, Alan Pardew said:

    Still blows my mind they where relegated during that 17-18 season from the Championship. While they did have a fair amount of plodders in the squad they also had a lot of proven Championship players imo. The Coleman bloke was a complete fraud :D

    Fraud? He's a married man with 6 kids

  4. 39 minutes ago, David Edgar said:

    Ha, but try playing like a proper elite team with De Gea and see where you end up.  He's a quality shot stoper and rock solid keeper, but I bet any money Pep and Klopp would have him straight out the door if they were in charge.  He can't sweep a high defensive line and cannot use the ball at his feet.  His distribution in general is woeful.  Name me an elite club with a keeper that poor in those areas.


    They would also bin AWB, Maguire, Shaw, McTominay and loads of others who just aren't elite and capable of retaining possession in their own half.


    Like De Gea is by no means a priority to replace, but they'd better better off if they did find someone who can play football.




    I do agree with this but at the moment they don't even have a manager playing like that so the keeper is less of a priority I would say


    I'd say there are similarities with us and Dubravka, if we want to play a certain way and kick on then we have to upgrade on him

  5. 11 hours ago, Jackie Broon said:


    It hasn't weakened Burnley, it seemed to galvanise them and Weghorst instantly looked an upgrade on Wood. They looked dead and buried before that and now they have a very good chance of survival.


    So far it's turned out well for both clubs and that could potentially turn out gloriously badly for Leeds or Everton.

    If we compare the two clubs as that is all that should matter then I would argue it weakened them


    Before the signing of Wood we were 6 points behind them with a GD that was worse by 17 goals, now 7 games later we are 6 ahead of them with a GD that is only 2 worse 


    Wood in isolation isn't a good enough striker, that much is clear however he's clearly helped the team so it was a necessary signing and as things stand looks like the money was well spent.  


    He occupies defenders and allows us to play further up the pitch. Obviously next season I hope we have someone that can do that but also be a goal threat too

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