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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. The standard is horrific which is why I'm not overly fussed if they get promoted because unless they spend some serious money they aren't going to get promoted from The Championship so soon.


    Having said that I'd much prefer them to get knocked out here, it would be amusing

  2. Mind you, the money wasted on Dembele and Coutinho looks catastrophic.


    The clearout needs to get rid of them, Busquets, Malcolm etc.


    They spent the Neymar money badly


    I like Arthur and De Jong will be good BUT Busquets has been losing the ball far too many times, wonder if his legs have gone


    They need to buy someone to play down the left, he's most likely going to Real BUT Hazard would be good for them or they should just get Neymar back, would be best for all

  3. I love how after a bad game some are so happy to sell him


    He was poor tonight, wondering whether he was fully fit BUT in recent weeks he's been very good


    There are far more pressing areas of the squad we need to be dealing with

  4. Salah done. Haha.


    Don't see how that is funny


    Doesn't look good


    Yeah, don't understand posts like that really.


    Can't have ever played any kind of sports and suffered any kind of blow.


    Yeah, very odd


    He's clearly hurt because there is no benefit to him wasting time


    Get off your high horse. I was just pleased their losing their best player. Nowt to do with him being hurt. Don't wish Ill on anyone.


    No high horse, it appeared like you were laughing at him being done, fair enough if you wasn't, perhaps I misread it.

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