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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. I put £5 on Sunday night after this broke for Newcastle to finish too 4. I can already cash out for £16. :lol:


    Would be madness to not cash out


    Whether the takeover happens or not I very much doubt we'll finish top 4.


    I'd settle for comfortable top half and a real go at the cups

  2. You'd think the last few seasons would have humbled them BUT I suspect not, we'll no doubt see them get carried away as soon as Don returns to twitter to have a dig at the mags

  3. They're surely running the club at unsustainable operating losses due to the wages of the likes of Cattermole, McGeady etc.


    So, even if the parachute payments have been ringfenced to pay off debts, they'll be in further debts away from the money owing to Short?


    It's like mentally putting aside a £10k windfall you're due from an inheritance next year to pay off your credit card debt but you're still paying £3000 per month to run your house when you earn £2000 per month.



    Imagine if they lose on Sunday  :lol:


    This must be the biggest game in their history I should think (at least in financial terms).


    If they don't go up, they can't be far off being fucked. Permanently.


    Silly mag, don't you know it's better financially for them to not get promoted

  4. It would be stupid to sell Longstaff even from an Ashley loved money point of view, whatever Man-U bid it will have been on the back of a only a handful of games, if he maintains that form over a full season then his value only increases significantly

  5. 1 year rolling is hell. Just means we get this every single year.


    Maybe it's Rafa saying agreeing to it so he can see if they actually give him money and start investing in the facilities, if he sees progress and them sticking to their word (yeah I know) then he will sign a longer term contract

  6. Imagine the mackems losing in the playoffs then Rafa signs on.


    That would kill and end the bitter bastards for good  :lol:



    Nah...one thing they are good at is spinning a disaster to make it sound like a good thing.

    Enjoyed division 3 , we need another season of it in truth.

    Rafa will take them nowhere, FSW FTM


    you just know the shit they spout.


    This is exactly it, already got one Mackem claiming that it's better for them financially to not get promoted this season




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