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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Any due diligence experts on here?


    What possibly could come up (in the books) that we don't see in the accounts the company files? I ask becauze despite be believe he doesn't want to sell, I don't understand why all of the offers are nowhere near his asking price.


    It's because his asking price is not realistic


    The squad and facilities all need serious investment, the only thing that's significantly increased under Ashley is the TV money and he had absolutely nowt to do with that

  2. 1. “Sports direct is all he cares about” - as evidenced by protests, it’s not.


    2. I want to bond with my son - like there aren’t a thousand other things that could be done


    Wish people would consider that, collectively we could have more power to change a situation where all our kids might have an actual fucking football club to support in future, rather than putting their own self-interest first.


    This, especially the second point.


    I'd love to take my kids to the football (taken the eldest twice, a pre-season game and also last season against Leicester when a friend lent me their season ticket, youngest has never been) BUT as things stand I have no intention of doing so whilst Ashley remains the owner.


    It's something I'd absolutely love to do because I grew up loving football BUT didn't get to go because my parents didn't care for it, I started going to games (season tickets) when I could afford it myself.


    I'm done in terms of going and when Rafa goes in the summer (to be replaced by Sherwood/Allardyce) I'll try and be done with it completely (this part is easier said than done).


    Whether boycotts work or not (fwiw I think they do) it's about principles and self respect, why would pay towards the decimation of this club? Why would you pay knowing the owner is taking the absolute piss out of the club? It's akin to paying to watch someone chin your kids.


    I hate that it's come to this BUT Sports Direct United is not the club I love so hopefully that will make walking away completely a lot easier.

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