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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Such a lovely goal that by Messi  :love:


    Fun evening. Was a bit nervous during the first half because we weren't putting away the few clear-cut chances we made, but we were far more dangerous in the second half, hoying Coutinho in helped. As I said elsewhere, losing Iniesta makes it that Messi has to drop deeper to create stuff, I hope Coutinho can fill that role so Messi can be freed to just score great goals.


    Dembelé had a great game too, unlucky to not bag one. Hope he has a breakout season, Valverde seems to like him.


    Anyway, Alavés are pretty crap but it's always nice to have a good start.

    When Arthur came on Coutinho went further forward and I thought you looked more dangerous. I've not seen much of Arthur BUT the commentators were suggesting he would be the one to replace Iniesta (not sure if they were just saying that because he's got the shirt number).
  2. He was shit today, no one will defend that performance BUT some of our fans are absolute doylems, giving him stick on social media and others with extremely short memories.


    He was brilliant last week, dodgy touch for the chance BUT was taking players on for fun and driving us up the pitch.


    He'll not put a worse performance than that again. Still one of the first names on the team sheet for me (after his inevitable 3 match ban obviously)


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