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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. It's going to p*ss down apparently.



    Don't rain on our parade.


    ;D ;D ;D


    Im all behind this but i also agree keeping it out of the stadium is a must sadley, this season is gonna be a tough slog and the players dont need anymore negative vibes. Its easy to say blast it out everywhere but ashley is rearly at SJP anyhow, remember this is about ashley and SD not newcastle utd as it was


    That said its a shame it dosent spread to other SD shops blocking one shop for half an hour isnt gonna put much of a dent in his pocket 12-15 shops however


    Just my thoughts on the matter #IfRafaGoesWeGo #Nufc4life #HWTL  O0


    It is already in the stadium (Chelsea game) and rightly so imo, the time for the softly softly approach and not wanting to disrupt the team is over.


    Don't think it would bother the team anyway, if anything it would have a positive impact, creating a siege mentality.


    Hope the anti Ashley chants are loud and clear inside and outside the ground on Saturday.


    On a side note, what about Wor Flags making a huge "ASHLEY OUT' banner to be held aloft at matches?

    There's no chance of that and it's also unfair to suggest it imo.


    If they made such a banner then it would get stopped before it's unveiled and then they'll not be allowed access for banners in the future.


    The only Ashley Out message in the ground will have to be the verbal kind.


    Unfair to suggest it  :facepalm:


    How did the "#sportsdirectshame" banner get in then?

    Not sure, was that a recent banner? Was that done by Wor Flags?
  2. It's going to p*ss down apparently.



    Don't rain on our parade.


    ;D ;D ;D


    Im all behind this but i also agree keeping it out of the stadium is a must sadley, this season is gonna be a tough slog and the players dont need anymore negative vibes. Its easy to say blast it out everywhere but ashley is rearly at SJP anyhow, remember this is about ashley and SD not newcastle utd as it was


    That said its a shame it dosent spread to other SD shops blocking one shop for half an hour isnt gonna put much of a dent in his pocket 12-15 shops however


    Just my thoughts on the matter #IfRafaGoesWeGo #Nufc4life #HWTL  O0


    It is already in the stadium (Chelsea game) and rightly so imo, the time for the softly softly approach and not wanting to disrupt the team is over.


    Don't think it would bother the team anyway, if anything it would have a positive impact, creating a siege mentality.


    Hope the anti Ashley chants are loud and clear inside and outside the ground on Saturday.


    On a side note, what about Wor Flags making a huge "ASHLEY OUT' banner to be held aloft at matches?

    There's no chance of that and it's also unfair to suggest it imo.


    If they made such a banner then it would get stopped before it's unveiled and then they'll not be allowed access for banners in the future.


    The only Ashley Out message in the ground will have to be the verbal kind.

  3. Thing is, he only owns 61% of SD so if we can get at them enough and have a material affect on their business and marketing then he'll be getting pressure from the other shareholders too.

    That's the key, empty stadium is unrealistic unfortunately so this is the best approach.


    Previously owning nufc was a benefit to SD with no major drawbacks.

    With the social media stuff it's still a benefit but currently must be an annoyance.

    The next step is to turn that annoyance into something more where it has a financial impact.


    This all kicked off around 18th July....



    And this has happened to the SD share price since, a share price which was previously going up....



    Of course, maybe this is all coincidence, but I really don't think so. I am utterly convinced this is having an impact, it's the only notable thing which has happened to SD since 18th July which could explain this continued descent of the share price, unless someone would like to tell me otherwise? And Ashley will be 100% aware of the connection too. He'll wake up every single morning and the first thing he'll do is check the share prices.


    I believe there's a connection between the 2, but what's way more important is that he'll believe there's a connection too and he'll be fucking furious. [emoji38]

    As much as I'd love this to be the case I think it's more down to the annual figures being released which showed a drop in profits.
  4. Thing is, he only owns 61% of SD so if we can get at them enough and have a material affect on their business and marketing then he'll be getting pressure from the other shareholders too.

    That's the key, empty stadium is unrealistic unfortunately so this is the best approach.


    Previously owning nufc was a benefit to SD with no major drawbacks.

    With the social media stuff it's still a benefit but currently must be an annoyance.

    The next step is to turn that annoyance into something more where it has a financial impact.

  5. Was hoping they might have something lined up for the Chelsea game, getting a bit late now  :undecided:

    A quick look back and the last protest was announced on the Wednesday from what I can see so still some time left.
  6. It's a shit challenge, I just think if it's a red, anyone going in for a challenge that mistimes their kick and ends up connecting with the player will look similar to that challenge.

    Arter didn't mistime his kick though, what he did was intentional and dangerous, he caught Joselu on the knee with a powerful kick. Blatant red.
  7. Didn't Mourinho sign a new contract this year?

    Signed an extra year with an option of a further year.


    If they're not close to the top around Christmas I can see him either quitting with a strop or attacking the club/fans to get sacked.

  8. Just highlights what a shite league this is, hoping they can stumble a bit and end up in the play offs and then lose in spectacular fashion.


    Apparently this season is being covered by Netflix as a continuation on what they filmed last season, no doubt the Mackems will see it as some sort of redemption/hope, hopefully that fails.

  9. An opposition player touched the ball for both of Mendy's 'assists' so I doubt he'll get either

    Good, was worried he was going to rack up points plus no clean sheet for him.


    Could do with another couple from Aguero in the second half to recover my shit gameweek

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