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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. The problem as always comes down to a lack of investment, our full backs are largely shite and that's because we've spent next to nowt on them.


    Enrique was a decent amount of money at the time and he turned out to be class.


    We would need to spend 10m+ plus to be getting a decent full back.

  2. Howey was superb, absolutely nailed it.


    As for Bellamy, I think he still wants to crawl up Ashley's arse BUT he's a coward and he didn't have the balls to take on someone that clearly knew what they were talking about. So ended up coming up with that rubbish about him being a brilliant businessman (it's a football show, who gives a shite) and that he needs to sell.


    Howey should replace Shola for our match day coverage.

  3. Atsu wouldn’t get into the Sunderland team on this evidence.


    Longstaff looks decent.


    Ki, again is totally shite.


    Fernandez and Schär growing into it but miles off what Lascelles and Lejeune had going.


    Think he's looked poor tbh. Not judging him like he's allowed a poor game in his first proper match for us, but he's looked a bit out of his depth so far.

    Yep, not been impressed with him so far, could be nerves BUT his touch and awareness haven't been great.



  4. He signed this contract in 2016 just after we got relegated, he clearly thought Ashley wouldn't be as destructive as he's been in the past and he wasn't alone in thinking that.


    Having a go at Rafa is not the right thing to do here, he's very much on our side.



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