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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Their Boxing thread sums them up.


    Saying the sooner Lewis Ritson gets knocked out the better because they hate the Mags. Three pages later saying that the crowd are pathetic for not being behind Josh Kelly because he's a Mackem. [emoji38]


    Weird breed of people.

    Mackems talking crap as usual because he got very good support, understandably Ritson got better.



  2. Oh great, the cost of watching football increases...


    Don't Sky and BT still have the same number of games live as last time?

    A bit more, 2 more for Sky and 10 more for BT. Although I think the second package of BT's is not 20 separate matches, there will be some simultaneous matches (like the Amazon package)


    Personally I already I have Prime so as long the providers don't increase their costs then I'll be getting more for the same cost.


    Even if you don't already have Prime then the cost won't have gone up, unless of course there is a price increase from Sky and/or BT.

  3. In related news the clubs have voted for the international distribution ratio to be changed from 1.6x to 1.8x (ie the top club earns 1.8x the bottom club).


    The rich get richer.

    How the fuck do 14 or more clubs vote for that?

    Top 6 ok, us because of a cunt owner. Everyone else though?

    Unless I'm mistaken it's not just the top 6 that will be better off, will teams finishing 7-10 not be better off than under the current system?


    If so, then I can easily see why 8 other clubs voted for it

  4. Christ, more than 400,000 people have signed a petition for retrospective action on Ramos.

    Christ, more than 400,000 people have signed a petition for retrospective action on Ramos.

    make him say sorry that Salah leaning & pushing on him made him fall over, imo


    Public apology at the Anfield gates

    Christ, more than 400,000 people have signed a petition for retrospective action on Ramos.


    Scousers playing the victim. Wonders never cease.....

    I thought it was started by an Egypt fan?
  5. They probably should have gone down the PFM experienced old dullard route like to get out of League 1 and consolidate in the Championship, before then going the young up-and-coming direction.


    I have a feeling they'll struggle early doors and may not get their house in order until it's too late for a serious challenge.

    I think it's a smart enough appointment BUT it all depends on how much he can adjust the squad, if he can shift the deadwood and get some younger players in, also needs to use the loan market well.
  6. They'll only be happy with being a mid-table championship club as long we are a lower table championship club or below. Their happiness is based on our unhappiness.

  7. Was it just me or did Ronaldo not run over to celebrate with everyone for Bale’s 1st goal?

    He did [emoji38]


    Seemed off all game though. Whatever this announcement is was clearly playing on his mind. Last game for Real? Retirement after world cup?

    He's not leaving Real, just him angling for a bumper contract, it's his new tactic and it works
  8. They compare everything to us, we are their benchmark so when someone comes along and "dislikes" us then they lap it up, even though it's obvious pandering they still can't help themselves, it's tragic like


    These are the same lot that pretend to be fans from other teams that love them and inevitably dislike us.

  9. Hang on, their new manager was actually a mascot for them? That can't be legit, surely not?


    Not their new manager... their new Managing Director!


    Oh shit aye, totally misread that


    Still, not any less amusing. That's so Sunderland that

  10. We haven't spent 46m net in the last two windows have we?

    Not even close, the loan fees wouldn't have amounted to much and I'm sure it was about £11-12m net in the summer
  11. Not a fan of the loan system whereby Chelsea can just stockpile players, something should be done about that BUT it worked out really well for us last season (or rather from January).


    In an ideal world you buy the players you need however with our owner we know that isn't likely so using the loan market can help massively, it's something I expect us to use again BUT in the summer rather than in January.

  12. He's saying the right things to get them excited and it appears to be working. The reality might just end up being that these two guys are very much part of a piss take party as they appear to be a couple of chances way out of their depth.


    Having said that League 1 isn't great, wouldn't take a lot to get out of it. If they get off to a good start then the fans will come back and they'll probably have 30 thousand watching them BUT hopefully a bad start will occur and then they will be well and truly in the shitter.

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