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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Fair play if he’s paid off the debt.


    As if he had a choice [emoji38]

    Could have left it as a long term interest free loan to be repaid much further down the line, I definitely think it takes some credit to completely forego that
  2. Fair play if he’s paid off the debt.

    Yeah that's quite generous of him, there is an argument that he contributed to the increased debt but they were in debt before he bought them.


    I know they hate Ellis Short BUT he has finally left them having lost loads of money, in comparison when Ashley finally fucks off he won't have lost a single penny.

  3. It was predictable, enough of us said this is exactly what would happen.


    Similarly if someone does end up bidding £400 million then expect another £50 million to be added to the asking price.


    He's not serious about selling, from his perspective he's gotten a cushty little number going, no additional personal investment, club runs itself and he gets free advertising for his true love, and when he does finally sell he'll get his money back.

  4. Easy worth that price. Staveleys fault for being cheap.


    Just think our captain has gone from a £10m player to at least £30m and we now have a striker on loan which will fetch £20m plus and we'd have been lucky to see double figures before the loan.


    We've not stood still, we've moved forward, that reflects in the price.


    I know you dislike Staveley but this is all total bollocks.


    I hope she still buys the club, doubt it though, it was never as serious as we were led to believe. Don’t see what’s wrong with saying our squad is worth more now than when the takeover was supposed to be happening. Even the likes of Dummetts value will have rocketed. What about shelvey? Lejuene? Diame?


    Like it or not the club is worth more now than then.

    If it's worth more it's only because of the work Rafa has done, give that squad to a Pardew/McClaren and it will be worth a lot less.


    Rafa will only hang around for significant investment which is something Ashley isn't prepared to do.


    So the increased value is dependent on retaining Rafa and keeping him happy.

  5. The defeats in the Derby hurt, even for days after and I hate Pardew to this day for making the 6 in a row possible BUT would I given the chance to eradicate the 6 in a row swap places with them? Never in a million years, ultimately our existence/success isn't defined by them BUT they can't say the same.

  6. A 6 year deal in 2015, wtf


    No doubt it would have been not long after they beat us


    Absolutely staggering incompetence that mind.....his legs are shot now, just imagine him in 3 years time.


    I literally can't breathe through laughing.

    He's going to be absolutely horrific, he was useless this season, struggled to get anywhere near the ball.
  7. Yesterday was just perfection


    I thought they'd struggle in The Championship BUT struggle in the sense that not quite make the playoffs, yet what happened was glorious. It's made better by the fact they had a decent start whilst we lost our first 2 games.


    It's amazing the turnaround from the way they behaved when we got relegated, it definitely annoyed them how we united behind Rafa and were looking forward to the season ahead. They tried to do the same and it failed miserably.


    They go on about the 6 in a row BUT a back to back relegation is something else. And it's all been captured for our viewing pleasure, genuinely can't wait for that to be released.


    I do slightly feel sorry for the few decent Mackems I know, however the overwhelming feeling is of hilarity. Hopefully it's another struggle next season and to top it off it will be class if our U23's can beat them.

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