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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Was that Alonso yellow card not suspect?

    That wasn't his first foul though so no it wasn't suspect.


    You're imagining things and it's not backed up by anything.


    Your love of everything Barca shines through.  I love them also by the way but I detest blatant cheating.

    My love of everything Barca? What on earth are you talking about?
  2. Barcelona are great but god almighty Chelsea are being hard done by/cheated here.  Referee is very intimidated by the home crowd.

    Cheated? How exactly?

    Maybe cheated is harsh.  However EVERY challenge or 50/50 has gone to Barcelona.  The referee is massively a homer.  I know it happens but if that was our team on the end of some of those decisions then well .............

    That's definitely not been the case, think Chelsea have been given plenty of fouls


    I'm  not sure if you are a massive Barca fan or just after an argument.

    I do like Barcelona and I'm not interested in an argument, just think your wrong suggesting the ref has been on Barca's side. Fouls have been relatively even and the ref hasn't got any major decisions wrong.
  3. Barcelona are great but god almighty Chelsea are being hard done by/cheated here.  Referee is very intimidated by the home crowd.

    Cheated? How exactly?

    Maybe cheated is harsh.  However EVERY challenge or 50/50 has gone to Barcelona.  The referee is massively a homer.  I know it happens but if that was our team on the end of some of those decisions then well .............

    That's definitely not been the case, think Chelsea have been given plenty of fouls
  4. Don’t get the impression this game is dead. I think Chelsea will go through if they can score the next goal.

    I agree, if they can grab a goal then Barca might just get nervous and they can take advantage


    Hopefully Barca score a 3rd quickly

  5. How many players do you allow for "World Class"? I would say probably around 20-30, in which case both Alexis and Pogba would comfortably qualify IMO.


    Me, about 15-20. When you open the doors to everyone, you then start looking at the likes of Vardy and Sterling, top top players who should ought to never be considered.


    Again from the PL: Ederson, De Bruyne, Augero our however you spell his name, De Gea, Hazard, Kane and Salah. That’s 7. I won’t include Messi or Ronaldo because they are two of the best of all-time if not the best and are so far ahead, it’s a bit of a joke really. I wouldn’t even class Bale as world-class these days.


    I’d include Suárez, Ramos, Neymar, Neuer, Modric, Lewondowski and a few others. Admittedly my knowledge of European and World football isn’t the best.


    If the likes of Sanchez are considered world-class you have to start looking at players like Vardy, Eriksen, Firminho, Sterling, Ali, Son, Mane, Ozil, Rashford even based on talent and ability and I think when you do that, you are devaluing what world-class means and the very very top players in that bracket.

    You don't think David Silva should be in that list?
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