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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. It might have been Man City last season. They won their opening 6 matches last year iirc.

    Aye it was Man-City.


    It's way too soon to be mentioning them being unbeaten. They left it late against Everton thanks to the dodgy red card BUT that's all it takes, a poor decision and they can easily lose it.


    They are looking brilliant so far BUT they did last year as well, the way they beat Chelsea away was impressive, it's against Spurs and even Man-U I'd like to see how they do.

  2. They should go for Wagner


    Wagner and Silva are the two standout managers at smaller clubs at the moment. If we didn't have Rafa those are the ones I'd want us to be looking at.


    I understand (somewhat) the love-in for Wagner but oh boy is the dude a c***. The way he went about last season has left a bitter taste in the mouth. What a pansy prick.

    Agreed, he's doing a very good job BUT I can't stand him.


    Much prefer Silva to him.

  3. Regardless of our takeover situation I'm not at all worried about him going to Everton.


    If our takeover doesn't happen I can see him leaving BUT don't see him going to Everton, I think he genuinely values his time at Liverpool too much.

  4. Burnley are a well organised team, not massively dissimilar to us so think it will be a tough game and I would actually take a point with hoping we beat Bournemouth after that.


    It's going to be interesting how the game pans out, Burnley are much like us in that they tend have less possession than the opposition. With Rafa it's clearly a tactical decision as he doesn't mind teams harmlessly passing the ball amongst themselves. So I wonder how we approach this game and whether we will allow them to have most of the possession.

  5. There's a good chance she won't buy NUFC, but the assertion that it's a PR smokescreen is pretty laughable. How to avoid your business being in the news: become much more known and invite the news to do lots of digging on you and your business.

    Exactly, it's safe to say she is a lot more known now after being linked with buying us than before.


  6. See Steve Wraith/Rob Lee trying to stir the pot through some energy drink company they have, saying its all a PR stunt from Staveley to deflect attention from the Barclays case.


    Makes no sense, why would she want to deflect anything since she brought the case against Barclays


    I do think she and others are interested in buying the club, the thing that will prevent it from happening is Ashley having an unrealistic asking price.

  7. It was his defence of Ashley that was bullshit, Dyer said something like we wanted Keegan and that didn't work out, we wanted Shearer and that also didn't work out etc, completely ignoring the reason it didn't work out as he put it was down to Ashley. It was infuriating to watch.

  8. 150m set aside for buying players over two years (4 transfer windows) isn't enough in today's market imo. Hopefully this figure doesn't include commercial/advertising revenue, if the Sports Direct shackles are removed.

    Obviously we might be getting ahead of ourselves BUT I disagree that it isn't enough


    Firstly you consider that we currently spend a fraction of that and have done so under Ashley and secondly Rafa could do a hell of a lot with that sort of money


    I think 4 solid signings (GK, LB, Striker and a 10) would be enough to comfortably push us into the top half and close enough to the top 6

  9. “That would allow for a period for serious interested parties to put themselves forward, for a diligence process to carry on, and then hopefully by Christmas for a sale to conclude with the sort of flexibility around terms we have discussed.If that weren’t possible then there is no desire to sell the club for any price to anyone. "


    ( From The Mag )


    So he wants to sell before Xmas or not at all / never ever to anyone at all !

    Aye , reet ...

    That is very odd, surely if he is serious about selling then he wouldn't have a time restriction

  10. BGJIuId.png

    As a neutral, there's nothing I'd love more than Man City to render his tactics pointless and absolutely wipe the floor with them in a similar manner to the Barca Real Madrid 5-0.

    I'm a fan of Pep due what he created at Barca and I've long hated Man-U/Mourinho so I want City to win the league with ease and to hammer Man-U when they play them

  11. Watching it live I just thought - that's a great goal fashioned out of nothing. Didn't really strike me as an Elliot mistake and still doesn't tbh. Lovely goal.


    And based on this game alone, despite the pelters being thrown at Elliot, he was still a fair bit better than the other (far more lauded) keeper on the pitch.

    Being better than a keeper that had a mare (and has errors in his game) is not really the benchmark we should be using


    I would want my keeper to save that at this level BUT we know speed is not one of his strengths, like Harper he takes too long to get down and it wasn't even struck with that much power either

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