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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Get in, it'll be a mess at the World Cup BUT at least he will be there


    Argentina are still going to go into the World Cup as one of the favourites. Scary what they could eventually do if Sampaoli gets it right, despite their midfield and back being below average.

    I'd have quite a few teams ahead of them, far too reliant on Messi and like you say the midfield/defence is poor

  2. His away performances were anonymous, thought going to Liverpool would change that BUT not at all, he just fails to get involved


    It's so odd because he has the attributes to be a top player, not like Colback who hides because he struggles with the basics of football

  3. He's done reasonably well this season, he's certainly improved from when he first joined us and no doubt a change in a goalkeeper coach will have helped.


    Though it's an obvious area of upgrade BUT to be fair that can apply to all positions except for Merino probably.


    Maybe the plan is to avoid buying a keeper so Woodman can take the spot in the next year or two.

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