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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Overall better than Dummett BUT still a position we should be looking to buy someone in January or next summer.


    Since he should be first choice for now I think he should spend more time practising throw ins, some poor ones BUT aside from that he did well.

  2. It wasn't a bad one like, standard mistimed stretching for the ball. Tackling slowly being outlawed.

    Even Souness thought it was a blatant red


    He also thought an overhead kick was a red, the bloke is a complete Erik.

    You hark back to the days when he played football and he thinks it was a red so you're on your own on this one

  3. Thoroughly enjoyed that performance, it had everything.


    The class was clear to see from the Huddersfield game even if he did make mistakes. He's always lookin for the ball and he is so calm in possession in stark contrast to Colback.


    The dive was awful, in real time I was screaming for a penalty BUT not even close, more frustrating as a he could have got a shot off. Although we are a bit too nice and naive that's not what we should be doing to change that.



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