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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. This has been bizarrely defensive from Conte. He has the defending champions and a team that just recently went to Madrid and soundly outplayed Atletico at his disposal, he's spent large portions of this match with only two attacking players on the pitch, none of whom are strikers. He has even benched his two most aggressively attacking defenders in Moses and Luiz for more conservative options, all of this at home. I really don't understand it.


    Luiz is suspended still isn't he?

    Aye he is otherwise he would definitely start

  2. It's inevitable that the bigger clubs will end up with their own TV deals, as has what has happened in Spain with Real and Barcelona. In football, greed always wins. :( If we were part of the big 6 (and we used to be), would people feel the same way?

    Hasn't Spain gone the other way now?


    Also this appears to be restricted to the overseas money so relatively smaller amount BUT no doubt if they get their way with this then the domestic money will be next

  3. Had his faults BUT ultimately he had ambition for the club, he wanted us to be the best club and that is something sadly missing right now


    His over riding ambition was to cream as many millions as he could possibly get.


    Took us from signing Shearer for a the record fee to Guisseppi Rossi on loan which he tried to pass as a major coup.


    Where would the club be now if Ashley hadn't came along? The debt was massive.  John Hall knew to p*ss off rather sharpish...

    You're entitled to your incorrect opinion

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