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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 2 hours ago, Pilko said:

    7 goals and 5 assists in 20 Premier League appearances this season. He's such a proper player.


    And if he didn't play a bunch of those games on empty those numbers would arguably be better


    He's not had the luxury of being able to sit out a game or two



  2. Thought he had a very good game, dealt with Doku very well.


    Not going to blame him for the 3rd goal in that it wasn't a howler (see Everton, Chelsea) but no doubt he himself will realise he should have done better. He either needed to push forward alongside the CB's to play Bobb offside or if he's playing him on then he needs to be tighter.


    Overall it felt like we had Trippier pre Everton so hopefully he can maintain this moving forward as we'll need him if we are to go on a run 


  3. Just our bloody luck that KDB had to make his return today


    We easily get a result if he doesn't come on 


    Just sums up the kind of luck we've had this season


    I expected us to get battered, we didn't, had a few positive moments. Not going to lose the plot for losing against them.

  4. Just now, MrRaspberryJam said:

    Coventry 3-1 up vs. Leicester. They’ve gone from 18th to playoffs in the blink of an eye. 

    Pushes Sunderland into 7th which is canny 


    Just need Ipswich to beat them 

  5. I get there are probably questions to be asked about the injuries and the rehab  etc but why does the Murphy one keep getting mentioned as a mistake 


    As Howe explained at the time, if Murphy was operated on immediately the recovery time was estimated at 3 months, by not operating it made no difference to the recovery time, it was still 3 months 


    But by not operating there was a chance we could have gotten some games out of him, it's something the medical staff and Murphy were fine to try. Obviously we didn't get much out of him but if they operated immediately he still wouldn't have been playing all these games 

  6. I'm really on the fence whether it's a foul, so can understand the decision that was made and why VAR agreed to stick with it


    No idea why Trafford is thinking he can get that, should trust his defence to deal with it, stay on his line and it would take a top class header to beat him

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