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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Sadly he won't be here much longer


    It really is a joke how very little game time he gets. Watching him play is exciting and is what football is about BUT instead less talented players are picked ahead of him



  2. Unfortunately a lot of our fans and the clown we have as manager judge him from a different set of standards to the other players


    He gets attacked for being inconsistent, which looking at the minutes he gets on the pitch is hardly a surprise. Unfair to demand consistency from someone who simply isn't getting the minutes


    He doesn't lose possession (whether it be by a dodgy pass, shot etc) any more than the guys he is competing with BUT because he has the ability to beat a couple of players with ease more is demanded from him than others who lose the ball in a "safe" way


    I know it's clichéd BUT give HBA to Keegan, SBR and watch him tear teams apart, instead we have a coward whose footballing philosophy is more concerned with what we do without the ball than with it



    Some of the replies are absolutely unbelievable. That place really is stuck in the 70's.


    I'd love to say I've never heard similar things from Toon fans/people from Newcastle but I have. Some people are thick c***s, unfortunately. The North East as a traditional working class/left wing region should have a greater empathy towards people of all backgrounds but plenty of people have an outright racist mindset.


    Work on a building site anywhere in the NE and you'll find it, both throwaway comments and outright hatred.


    There are certainly racists amongst our support BUT nothing like Sunderland, that place is on another level


    Whenever I have had the misfortune of going to that shithole I don't feel safe, it really is stuck in the past

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