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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Why does anyone think Shola is going to get another contract? Don't forget Mike Ashley has to pay the wages and he will see that Shola doesn't play and when he has played he hasn't been good. Shola hasn't scored for over a season. Graham Carr will probably also have a say and I can't imagine he rates Shola. Pardew doesn't get to make the final transfer decisions so I don't see why he'd be allowed to keep Shola (not that he even wants to seeing as he isn't playing him). Also, I'm sure Pardew would also want a better striker to play than Shola. Even Pardew isn't playing Shola now.


    This is the best time as any so far for him to be moved on, but with De Jong not yet permanent, Remy highly likely to leave and Cisse being so s*** he should leave, I can't see Ashley really sanctioning the signing of 3 or 4 first team strikers. Can see the "1 more year for Shola" being the cheap option which they will take. Really hope not like, I don't want Shola here anymore.

    That is why on paper Gomis would seem to be a good fit, especially from Mike Ashley's "value for money" approach. Gomis would be a "free" transfer (excluding signing on fee and agent fees). Gomis will no doubt want more wages than Shola but Gomis is around 3 years younger and has scored more goals this season than Shola has for years.


    Carlton Cole would have been better than Shola. No matter how low Ashley aims his sights it wouldn't be difficult to replace Shola with a better player.


    Why does anyone think Shola is going to get another contract? Don't forget Mike Ashley has to pay the wages and he will see that Shola doesn't play and when he has played he hasn't been good. Shola hasn't scored for over a season. Graham Carr will probably also have a say and I can't imagine he rates Shola. Pardew doesn't get to make the final transfer decisions so I don't see why he'd be allowed to keep Shola (not that he even wants to seeing as he isn't playing him). Also, I'm sure Pardew would also want a better striker to play than Shola. Even Pardew isn't playing Shola now.


    Well he got the current contract extension despite being useless so people's fears are justified


    Shola is even more useless now than he was 3 years ago. 3 years ago he scored the occasional goal.


    Makes no odd since the manager picks him for games and praises him


    Giving Shola a contract extension is the cheap and easy thing to do which is why everyone is worried it will happen


    The alternative is we sign both Remy and De Jong on permanent and still sign another striker, you really think we will sign 3 strikers?

  2. Why does anyone think Shola is going to get another contract? Don't forget Mike Ashley has to pay the wages and he will see that Shola doesn't play and when he has played he hasn't been good. Shola hasn't scored for over a season. Graham Carr will probably also have a say and I can't imagine he rates Shola. Pardew doesn't get to make the final transfer decisions so I don't see why he'd be allowed to keep Shola (not that he even wants to seeing as he isn't playing him). Also, I'm sure Pardew would also want a better striker to play than Shola. Even Pardew isn't playing Shola now.


    Well he got the current contract extension despite being useless so people's fears are justified

  3. Sadly it was always going to end this way, Pardew has managed him very, very badly. Pardew is a hypocritical prick, other players can play shit yet nothing is made of it, in fact he will praise them BUT Ben Arfa gets stick for not winning games in 10-15 minutes


    Under a half decent manager Ben Arfa will be immense, just a shame it won't happen here

  4.                           Krul


    Debuchy  Williamson    MYM    Haiidara.


                    Anita        Tiote


    Ben Arfa                                Gouffran



    Obviously if Colo is back he'll play. Santon needs a break, his confidence is shot to pieces. Toss up for left back but just not a huge fan of Dummett.

    De Jong on and two up front if we're struggling.


    That except Marv for Sissoko is what I would go for


    BUT we know it will be a shit lineup with shit subs

  5. Life and limb, passion, pride, 110% etc etc is just a load of inane drivel managers come out with to try and curry favour with the fans and also to mask their own limitations


    Limitations are something Pardew has in abundance, his man management is awful and his tactical awareness is shit hence the reason the players look lost and play without any plan or purpose. We apparently spend most of the time working on the defensive side of the game, clearly he is shit at that too


    I would love to see a half decent manager with the players we have, think we could pay some good stuff and actually look a decent team

  6. Workmate of mine said Pardew had apologised and was asking me what I made of it. Can't find any trace of a public apology by Pardew - anyone else help?


    Pardew is a cowardly prick, he won't apologise. Instead he will blame everyone BUT his own tactical limitations



  7. Powerful CM. He's not a defensive mid - he can't tackle very well at all. His best bet is to body and muscle someone off the ball by getting into the 1 v 1 duel and standing his opponent up. Any time he tries to go for a clean tackle he's usually beaten or, worse, putting in a U-14 slide tackle.


    So any midfielders that don't go to ground and just body people off the ball. Dembele for instance is great at it.


    I wonder if anyone has given him any pointers to try and do that more often, and put himself in position to do so.


    I wonder if anyone has told him anything remotely useful since he came in.


    When he looked his best earlier in the season, he was getting himself in front of the man and bodying' the man off the ball. It should be simple for any coach to see. A guy with that much strength and pace, should never be going to ground - he should be winning these battles by using his ridiculous upper body strength (who did he shoulder earlier this season? That bounced right off him?) and getting possession of the ball and BREAKING forward at pace.


    He's a box to box CM next to a physical holding midfielder every day of the week. He played great for Toulousse b/c he had Capoue doing all the dirty work for him. He should do very well with Tiote doing a similar role for him.


    It was Ridgewell he destroyed with his shoulder barge


    Technically he is average BUT he is being used very badly by the manager, as are numerous players

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