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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. For that kind of money they might as well stick with those two. 10m wouldn't bring you much in terms of quality and quantity these days.


    We have proven you can bring quality and quantity for a small amount


    BUT Sunderland are likely to waste that kind of money on old, average, cloggers

  2. I really think that it is time that the BBC showed extended highlights of each game on the red button. MOTD infuriates me week in week out now.

    It's beyond a joke that the televised games are the ones given the majority of the of the highlights section. The other week it took over 40 minutes to complete the highlights and analysis of the first match, again it was a match that was on TV earlier in the day and showed 1 of the big 6 clubs.


    Today (well yesterday now) our match had the highest amount of goals and also the largest winning margin, not only that but it had two player sendings off, another managerial sending off, two penalties, and plenty more action. Yet we were 4th in the run in, really it should have been first.


    Surely now each match should have an equal amount of coverage? It seems a bit wrong that fans of other teams don't get to see their team perform when they can't actually attend matches, which in an ever growing 24/7 society is often the case now.


    The red button with extended highlights/full match coverage is a good idea, however Sky have that wrapped up as well. That raises another question, how come Sky the dominate TV provider of live matches is also allowed the extended highlights as well? Surely that should be given elsewhere as it's just another monopolisation.


    MOTD is on BBC so matches that were televised earlier on Sky or BT are irrelevant to the order that they decide on


    Though I do agree that it's unfair the bigger clubs tend to get shown first/more

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