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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Sounds a hell of a lot more like him not fancying us than Ashley failing to pay up. That wont sit well with the fake bid brigade.


    Eh, are you ignoring the agents comments where he accuses us of being cheapskates?

  2. Well apparently it makes more sense to buy the replacement first. Who the f*** would've thought that, like?


    BUT if we bought him first and then we didn't sell Cabaye it would have bankrupt the club, do you want us to become Portsmouth?

  3. I was hoping we appealed straight away BUT after Pardew's comments it's stupid to appeal, the FA would just use his quotes which back the decision to give a red card

  4. I always find it baffling how players are never mercenaries when they leave their clubs to join us for higher wages BUT when they leave us they are suddenly mercenaries


    The extra wage may well have motivated Cabaye BUT I think the key thing is that PSG have ambition whilst we piss about in the league half arsed

  5. Soft as f*** red but you don't stick your head in like that. There was contact so it'll stand too.


    It was Johnson that stuck his head in and then proceeded to act like a tart

    movement by Remy so that'll be the excuse by the FA to not overturn it. Moronic to give the chance to the ref to f*** things up


    Will need to watch it again BUT I didn't see any movement from Remy, it was the reaction of Johnson that got him sent off



  6. Soft as f*** red but you don't stick your head in like that. There was contact so it'll stand too.


    It was Johnson that stuck his head in and then proceeded to act like a tart

  7. Would people be happy if we lost Cabaye, but gained Cabella AND Grenier? Just asking...


    Never going to happen because £20mill would not cover both of their fees and wages


    As for the question I would rather keep Cabaye and sign one of them, crazy eh

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