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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. As a presence he offers something up front, but he just isnt the footballer to do anything with it.


    If you consider conceding fouls as offering something then aye he does

  2. It was a shocking performance from Debuchy, don't recall Simpson having a bad game close to this


    The positive thing is that he certainly can't do worse than tonight


    The thing is the guy has shown to be a very good player, both for France and Lille so hopefully he can sort it out and play like we know he can

  3. LOL, our season was already over before it even started. No Cabaye meaning there's no one to pass that friggin ball around.


    Do we have any people left? I think juniors are the way to go down the divisions :)

    We were always going to be beaten today, however I can't agree with the Cabaye comment. To me he's over rated on here, yes we should be getting at least £20m for him but only because even s*** players go for £15m+ these days and we have clubs with lots of money interested in him. I think Sissoko, Ben Arfa, and even Anita are better passers of the ball than Cabaye.


    They are not better passers than Cabaye, though Anita's short passing game is arguably better

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