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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Am I reading the whole islamic loan system wrong or is it all a bit of a fudge so that they can get loans but not call them that?


    You are reading it right


    It is interest that is forbidden, the reason being that it puts the person borrowing the money at a severe disadvantage and you should not profit for another person's financial misfortune or financially weaker position


    The "Islamic" loans/mortgages still end up costing the same, if not more than a regular mortgage, so the borrower is still at a severe disadvantage thus making the "Islamic" mortgage a bit of a sham (I'm no scholar so it is just my humble opinion)



  2. Its may not be as bad as gambling to us but surely if he is such a devoted Muslim to have an issue with wearing a Wonga sponsored shirt then he would/should also have a real issue towards gambling?


    Ultimately everybody has different thresholds, some will commit some sins yet refrain from others


    Just to make it clear both interest and gambling is forbidden in Islam, it's not a grey area BUT very clear cut


    Islam also endorses the subjugation of women, the Bible tells believers to kill non-believers. The fact is, modern religion depends on interpretation, so it's not up to us to dictate to Cisse which parts of Islam to hold dear.


    and where have I dictated anything to Cisse?


    Cisse is absolutely free to believe what he wants and practice what he wants BUT was just pointing out that both gambling and interest are forbidden in Islam

  3. I just think Cisse would put in a transfer request if he wanted to go, rather than go through this nightmare-ish legal/ethical process. What would be the point? If a player wants to leave, he puts in a transfer request (or ask his agent to start pimping him around in the press).


    I don't know which part of the Islamic ethical code the Wonga deal goes against. What does his gambling have anything to do with anything? How is that exploiting the poor?


    Well its stupid because he wore a bank sponsor last season... anyway until there are actual quotes from cisse this is probably bullshit


    That just doesn't hold any water for me. I wouldn't put banks and Wonga in the same category, certainly not from an ethical point of view.


    If it's on religious ground then they are the same, it's the interest earned regardless of how much.

    As explained before banks like Virgin money offer no interest loans to muslims.




    From a religious point of view, it is the interest that is forbidden


    I'm no fan of Wonga BUT from a religious point of view there isn't a great deal of difference between Wonga and Virgin Money

    Thats what I'm saying, banks have loans that have no interest, tailored for the Muslim population.




    Again it's irrelevant when it comes to the religious point of view


    The vast, vast majority of what Virgin Money do involves interest

  4. Its may not be as bad as gambling to us but surely if he is such a devoted Muslim to have an issue with wearing a Wonga sponsored shirt then he would/should also have a real issue towards gambling?


    Ultimately everybody has different thresholds, some will commit some sins yet refrain from others


    Just to make it clear both interest and gambling is forbidden in Islam, it's not a grey area BUT very clear cut

  5. I just think Cisse would put in a transfer request if he wanted to go, rather than go through this nightmare-ish legal/ethical process. What would be the point? If a player wants to leave, he puts in a transfer request (or ask his agent to start pimping him around in the press).


    I don't know which part of the Islamic ethical code the Wonga deal goes against. What does his gambling have anything to do with anything? How is that exploiting the poor?


    Well its stupid because he wore a bank sponsor last season... anyway until there are actual quotes from cisse this is probably bullshit


    That just doesn't hold any water for me. I wouldn't put banks and Wonga in the same category, certainly not from an ethical point of view.


    If it's on religious ground then they are the same, it's the interest earned regardless of how much.

    As explained before banks like Virgin money offer no interest loans to muslims.




    From a religious point of view, it is the interest that is forbidden


    I'm no fan of Wonga BUT from a religious point of view there isn't a great deal of difference between Wonga and Virgin Money

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