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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. City are such a lazy team. They could destroy Sunderland but they can't be bothered.

    I know it is just a friendly and on a s*** pitch, but City don't scare me as much for the opener after watching this game.


    You are in for a shock they, they always tear us apart

  2. The club can't realistically back-down surely, otherwise other players will want sponsors of their choice and Wonga will withdraw their money. Unless the club are willing to find a new sponsor and pull out, which I expect is rather doubtful. If they back down and I was a teamamte, I'd ask if I could have Amnesty International on my shirt as well.

    Hopefully other players kick up a fuss as well and the club do back down. The club f***ed off Virgin Money without even asking if they would be prepared to match Wonga's offer. Sorry to say it but if people think Wonga is the best we can do then they are seriously wrong. The Premiership is the highest watched league globally, heck even Sunderland were able to get a newly formed charity to cough up a record deal.


    Which newly formed charity would that be?

  3. I can't believe for a nanosecond some of you seem to think Leon Best would be a better bet than Bent.


    You're utterly, utterly nuts if you do. Seriously.


    You yourself have said Bent is useless outside of the box and we barely get the ball in the box so preferring someone who offers something outside of the box is not nuts


    I guess it's akin to preferring Weimann to Bent

  4. I would rather have a fit Best than Bent like, not that that's saying much.


    I would, Best would suit Cisse a lot more than Bent would. I quite liked Best, thought he was underrated, if he could have added a bit more goals to his game he would be a good striker BUT the work he did to allow Ba to score was undervalued


    Pardew has quite clearly shown he doesn't have a clue tactically, so having a striker (Bent) who is only useful if you put the ball in the box on numerous occasions is not a better option that someone who works his bollocks off outside the box and creates space/opportunities for the other striker

  5. For all he's crap I don't like this recent trend of abusing him on twitter. He seems like a great guy off the pitch.


    Very true,  Jonas may well be average BUT he has been an excellent servant for this club, certainly doesn't deserve stick from divvies on the net


    He was average when we signed him, he's most certainly not now. Even average wingers/midfielders get the odd goal and assist.


    Wouldn't call him an excellent servant, either. I'd call him a great guy and a top pro who was signed because he was cheap and has kept his place in the team through working his nads off, not through actually contributing in the way he should as an attacking player.


    Agreed he is rubbish now BUT first season he was decent and he was one of our better players in The Championship (arguably only Colo was overall better). He has always given his all, despite not being good you can't question his effort and that is why I think it's wrong to give him stick, that should be reserved for the likes of Owen and Smith. Also it's Pardew that needs to wise up and stop picking him

  6. Very unfair putting Tiote alongside those  two


    Tiote was average last year BUT at his best he offers a lot more than Shola and Jonas, the question remains whether Tiote will show his first season form


    Average? He had about 3 good games all season.


    Okay he was poor BUT the point remains, he is a far better player than Shola/Jonas

  7. Very unfair putting Tiote alongside those  two


    Tiote was average last year BUT at his best he offers a lot more than Shola and Jonas, the question remains whether Tiote will show his first season form

  8. He needs to be playing regular football rather than sitting on the bench getting no time in the pitch


    Send him to a team that will give him plenty of games BUT I suspect we will handle him badly,  we haven't used the loan system well

  9. Leroy Fer linked in the Twente press, Tubantia. Got 12 goals last season and almost joined Everton in January. A crazy idea - if we got £20m for Cabaye and brought in PEA, Zouma and Fer would anyone take it?


    Let's keep Cabaye and sign all 3

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