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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Apart from the Stadium naming paying for Sissoko it is sensible stuff and it all makes sense




    Not if this is true it isn't




    I know Wonga are paying for the naming rights BUT the idea that we could only buy Sissoko because we sold the naming rights is preposterous, especially when in one of the many articles he talks about the club being on a sound financial footing and not needing to sell players

  2. Since Carr has been at the club our signing success rate has been brilliant, the only one that hasn't been a success is Amalfitano, who on a free wasn't a major gamble (reckon we could easily sell him to a club in France) and perhaps Abeid (still young so has time)


    Of course it's easy to dismiss Carr by saying the players are obviously good BUT our signings before him were very hit and miss and you only have to look at the signings of other clubs to appreciate what a good job we are doing


    Obviously the sole credit can't go to Carr, he arguably plays the biggest part as identifying good people-players isn't easy BUT the other people deserve credit for making the deal happen (Pardew/Llambias/Charnley??)


    Edit- Shouldn't forget agent Cabaye and Ben Arfa

  3. Change a winning team?  Can't see it myself, and why should he [Pardew]?  If the team remains the same it tells everyone that if you do the business you stay in the side.


    Don't agree


    If there is a better player coming back from injury then he should be in


    Tiote>>>>>>Perch and when he is fit then HBA>>>>>>Jonas

  4. Good, sensible comments BUT actions speaks louder than words and with this lot we have had pretty soundbites before


    Last summer was poor, this January was very good, now let's see what the summer brings

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