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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. I thought the stick he got from some after the Villa match was unfair, getting beat in the air by Benteke is hardly something to be ashamed of BUT good to see he played well today, the block at the end sums him up

  2. Can't cross, pass, shoot or run.


    Mick's right, how bad could he be?


    He can cross, he can pass, he can shoot and he can run.  He's going through a bad patch and he'll come through it.  I don't think any of our players have played in as many different positions as Jonas has for us and I'm not surprised that his game has suffered for it.  He puts loads of effort into games, even when things aren't going well for him.


    Of the 4 things running is the only thing he can do at the moment


    It's not a bad patch, patches last a few games not all season. I like the guy and I hate seeing him play like this BUT we have to accept he just has nothing significant to offer. At his best he couldn't cross or shoot, his passing was okay BUT now that has gone to pot, he just runs around struggling to beat a man and struggling to make a decent pass

  3. Off to Wigan??


    Wigan are favourites to sign the 26-year-old, who would cost around £500,000. That would enable him to return to his native north west, although a move to London could also appeal.


    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2270853/Wigan-lead-race-sign-Danny-Simpson.html#ixzz2JV8kGc00

    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


    Could we not let them have Williamson also. Don't Wigan play 3 at the back, can't see how Simmo fits into that like.


    Maybe they've realised that playing an open back 3 including Gary Caldwell and Emmerson Boyce is only going to end one way


    Switching to a back 4 with Simpson there would be worse I reckon :) - don't they have figeroua that can play right back anyway? - not sure why they need Simpson tbh, he won't shore up their defence.


    Never seen Figuero play right back? Has there ever been a left footed right back?


    They play Stam as the Right Wing Back and he is miles better than Simpson

  4. We still four points off bottom 3?


    Yes, though Wigan and Reading will most likely get something in their next match so that gap will be reduced come the weekend


    Who have they got?


    Reading at home to the Mackems

    Wigan at home to Southampton

  5. Enough with the Taylor bashing.


    People make him out to be a liability because they want Yanga-Mbiwa to play. I too want him ahead of Taylor, but I've seen Taylor labelled all sorts of things today. His performance yesterday wasn't below par as some seem to suggest and even if he's not the calming influence Coloccini is, his application and determination comes in very handy when we're under pressure.


    And now he's being blamed for our hoofing too? Please.


    He was poor last night and was absolutely dominated in the air by Benteke, if Williamson put in a similar performance you wouldn't hear the end of it.


    He's not a lliability, far from it but he was poor last night and quite frankly Mbiwa is superior in almost every department.


    There's no reason for him to start unless Colo or Mbiwa gets injured.


    Benteke will dominate the majority of defenders in the air

  6. if true, everyone who hated on that celebration is going to feel like absolute s***.


    Cabaye, though, also said he felt emotional afterwards, dedicating the goal to a friend.


    He said: “I dedicate the goal to somebody who lost his wife two or three days ago.


    “His name is Ali and he is a close friend. I want to think about him.”


    However, he left the final word with the brilliant Toon Army after they made the game at Villa Park feel like a home encounter.


    He said: “Every game now we have our fans behind us. They were fantastic again at Villa.


    “That’s why we went over together to thank them for their support.”



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