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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. I see they didn't mention anything about Miliband quitting in their statement.


    I think that Byrne woman had a dig at him when she mentioned political circus


  2. He's got to be close to double figures by now?


    Think the SSN guy said he's got 8 now. He's only played like a dozen games though hasn't he?


    8 in 19 in all competitions

  3. Great news, miraculous his knee is still intact


    Amazing comments from Haidara, takes some strength of character to forgive that challenge, could so easily have ruined his career/life

  4. How was it a 50/50? :lol:


    Exactly, Savage is talking shite as usual


    The tackle itself has angered me BUT the reaction of others (former players, refs etc) is pissing me off


    It was a horrible tackle, baffled why some are reluctant to admit that

  5. Not excusing their player for what was a dreadful tackle but seeing it again, as I thought at the time, if Tiote does not play such a poor pass then that level of tackle never happens.


    Firstly the pass is made is irrelevant, it was a cunts tackle on Haidara


    and secondly it was Yanga-Mbiwa that made the pass to Haidara not Tiote

  6. While Halsey has been getting all the stick after watching on MOTD it has to be said he has been severely let down by his two linesmen,  one had a clear view of the challenge on Haidara


    Did he? The view they showed on MOTD2 was with a zoom lens which foreshortened the distance. In practice, the lino would have been standing in the other half of the field, more than 30 yards away. What's more, at the point of contact Haidara was between McManaman and the linesman and it would have been difficult to see with the right degree of confidence where the contact was made.


    We're all angry about a tackle which has put a young lad's career in jeopardy, but we have to be realistic about what we can expect from officials. They can't give what they don't see. People saying that Halsey could have sussed out what happened by what was going on before and after his view was blocked are in cloud-cuckoo land. No-body can say how long his view was blocked for, and in any case he can't send a player off based on supposition. That's basic.



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