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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. If you go off last years results (but using our results from today) we have the 5th lowest wages to turnover ratio in the Premier League.


    1. Arsenal (29%)

    2. Man United (46%)

    3. Wolves (49%)

    4. Spurs (56%)

    5 . NUFC (60.6%)




    Especially with our position in the league and not being in Europe (with the extra turnover).


    Wait, you're 5th best with a 60% wages to turnover (which is the recommended percentage), where does that leave the following 15? And I thought La Liga was f***ed :lol:


    Ticking timebomb.


    We are where UEFA insist you must be, come 2014 so the other 15 have not long to sort it out and we've been through our slash and burn phase and are nicely placed.


    Be good to see the full accounts but looks good.


    Do the UEFA fair play rules say anything about debt?

  2. The £5m we are owed for players is presumably from Liverpool for Carroll?


    Could be some from West Ham pending on Promotion. Some from Swansea for Routledge. Think we're still owed some Bassong money too.

    Pretty sure there was something about all the Carroll money being upfront as part of his deal.


    Conditional clauses like promotion won't be included in the accounts.


    It's probably just a few clubs which are paying us in installments. Might be a couple of million for Nolan, a couple more for Enrique etc.


    Eh, they specifically say they don't do this. :lol:


    Actually Llambias says where possible, so I guess they do it at times


    "Some of the key financial principles we set in place when Mike bought to the Club back in 2007 are now beginning to reap rewards. Most notably, our adherence to a strict transfer policy which avoids, or limits wherever possible, the acceptance of dated payments for players bought or sold. We believe it is a far healthier financial model to settle full transfer fees for players up front, not dated over a period of years.
  3. I could literally watch Barcelona play all day and night, it's unbelievable. The touch is unreal, the passing is sublime, the intelligence is amazing. I could actually just watch Xavi and Iniesta knock the ball round an empty field.


    Yep, same here. Don't understand why some people find it boring BUT each to their own


  4. 1:25 of that Ben Arfa video sums up why we need a RB that can play football, Tiote in a good position to pass to yet he lumps it forward, which unsurprisingly their defender won the header


    Simpson made one excellent run forward to overlap with HBA, who in turn dribbled and took out two mackems and played Simpson in. The cross from our fullback was lacking in anything resembling a threat, but if he can do that more often, much more often, he could end up causing some serious problems for the opposition.


    He is going to have to learn to cross if that is ever to happen

  5. did they come in our half in the second half? looked like krul was playing cm half the time :lol:


    Just the double save for Krul, apart from that we saw nowt from them

  6. Why the fuck were Martin the Mong and Cuntermole having a moan at or about the ref? He got all the big decisions right BUT in general play he was letting them get away with a lot of fouls on Demba

  7. He made a meal of it, but so did the mackem that got Cabaye booked for what looked like minimal contact. In fact so do many players who get any kind of challenge at all. Its all very cringeworthy.


    It's ridiculous for any pundit to be focusing on gamesmanship by someone who has been punched just after Arsenal have conceded two penalties in two weeks from players who went down without being touched at all.

    All Tiote did was highlight an offence that was already a red card. Bale and Suarez got penalties when there was no foul. That is a much higher level of cheating.


    Indeed, in fact I would not regard what Tiote did as cheating, yes he went down easily and made a meal of it BUT it was a sending off, if Tiote making a meal of it helped the ref make his decision (the RIGHT decision) then no issues with that

  8. He simply has to start, nobody else in our team can do what he does and it must be a massive boost to the opposition when they see Ryan Taylors name on the teamsheet instead of Ben Arfa


    Ben Arfa at times does do too much and gives the ball away BUT they are outweighed by what he offers us in a positive way


    Also the ball giving away, it is certainly no more than anyone else


    Give the guy a run of games, starting games and I am sure he will sure what a class player he is. It is unfair to expect him to save us from games again and again

  9. Watch his face go all wobbly and s*** during the HD replay.


    It's clear he took a blow to the mouth.


    I know he got hit in the face BUT he could easily have stayed on his feet, it did not knock him down BUT I am glad he did go down because it may have slightly helped the ref make the right decision

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