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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. He has rightly been charged, he kicked at the player, although I don't think for a moment he was aiming for his face and tbf to Cabaye he should have been awarded a free kick for what was a blatant foul. Still I would have hoped he could have kept his cool, as a result we will most likely miss him for 3 games


    BUT no doubt the system is a bloody joke, what Cabaye did was no worse than Lescott or Crouch, yet they got away with it

  2. I agree with Brummie, if Liverpool dealt with the incident sensibly and did not do the t-shirts, crappy club statement, cry conspiracy, attack Evra etc, would this twat have done this gesture or would that Oldham player have been racially abused? I think not

  3. It was not a yellow card, won the ball


    BUT if being on a yellow meant he was going to bottle any challenge then he might as well have asked to be substituted. There was no excuse for him not putting a challenge in and then then lack of effort to try and get back


    He had a rubbish game BUT he was not alone in that regards


    Simpson is a limited player, that much is clear. At best he will put in a decent performance defensively BUT he offers nothing going forward, can't control a ball, can't pass, can't cross, can't take people on etc etc - just long aimless punts, one after another

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