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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Would those defending him have the same opinion of Michael Owen? Another multi millionaire who'd rather continue to coin it in than play football. Pair of c***s.


    Steve Harper a c*** too?


    If harper didn't support us I think he would have left ages ago

  2. @SimonPryde Simon Pryde

    Tim Krul ignoring transfer speculation . "Every year's the same. Loving life, playing well for club I've always wanted to play for" #nufc

    2 minutes ago




    Nice, gonna go watch the Tim Krul compilation on everyone's favourite video site  :smitten: :smitten:

  3. Mark Douglas @MsiDouglas 2h




    @asmith_11 I think it'll be a very big summer for #nufc. Some big changes in personnel afoot.


    If we get rid


    Smith, Shola, Lovon, Simpson,Guthri, Harper.


    Get rid of Guthrie?


    Need to get him to sign a new contract

  4. How long are the squad away for ?


    If I was Pards I would want to be here pushing for transfers, only 8 days left i the transfer window, I know he does not have to be here for deals to be done but surely anyone who is in talks about a move here would want to meet the manager.


    Think I read they get back on Wednesday

  5. From the little I have seen of Cisse I don't think he would be suited to the wide role, think Ba played there for West Ham


    Though I think Pardew will stick with the 4-4-2 so neither will have to go out wide



  6. Racism has assumed a strange role in our society. Whilst a more severe tact was required to tackle it, due to the severity of the abuse, both physical and mental. We have now arrived a place where racism is apparently worse than xenophobia.


    And then racists start to call other people "racists".

    Varying levels of political correctness have blurred the lines too and probably pushed some people towards what would be considered racist.

    I would say racism is more prevalent and indeed vicious in many other parts of the world than it is in the UK.

    On a global scale we're not bad, but at the same time shouldn't be complacent.

    Multi cultural society has improved Britain and the west end of Newcastle is a great example.


    Anyway this thread is getting a lot broader than it was probably intended originally, but I'm happy to say again I haven't heard any racist abuse inside SJP for years if not decades.

    I wouldn't agree with that. Their is a large amount of minority groups in the West End, (mainly West gate road) however from my view they tend to stay in their own circles, often not mixing with other groups. In fact I would say it's a good example of not integrating well. One of the main causes of racism is the lack of integration. I'm not just saying it's all on one side, white people also have to make an effort to integrate with other cultures. Too many people and too many youths have an attitude that white people shouldn't mingle with ethnic minorities. That is an appalling pint of view in my opinion.


    I have to say though that since when I was little to now I see less and less racism. Maybe it's because I'm not around the sort of people who held those views or maybe racism is on the decline, but from what I can see is that over the years the problem is starting to be solved.


    Like I said though, maybe I'm wrong, maybe I just don't hear of it anymore because I'm old enough to choose who I socialise with and I choose not to socialise with people who have those views.


    Who exactly has this view?


    Oh and I actually agree with Benwell Lad about the west end of Newcastle being a good example of multi cultural society. Trust me I was born and bred in this area so I am well aware of it, is it perfect? Nope, far from it BUT a quick visit to places like Bradford and some of the towns in the North West and you appreciate just how good it is here.


    I think you are making the mistake of assuming because majority of the Asians in Newcastle live in the west end therefore they are not integrating, that imo is false.


    Back on the football issue, I personally can't recall any incidents of racist abuse BUT have heard about it from others so no doubt it exists, though fortunately it does appear to be rare and in an extreme minority

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