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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Drop him. He really needs a rest.  He is so tired that he even cannot run as fast as before.


    Aye there was one moment in the 1st half where he nearly fell over despite no player being next to him, he is all over the place, reckon a short rest will do him the world of good. Should stick Fergie out wide

  2. Agreed. Let's play Obertan instead. Or Smith. Or someone from the U12s.


    Still doesn't excuse that he did f*** all on the pitch though and lost it whenever he got it.



  3. One of the reasons he is supposedly picked is that he provides support defensively BUT I have yet to see it barring the odd moment here and there, which for 17 appearances is a joke


    Obviously getting tackled by the standing ref and then standing around like a gorm has been highlighted BUT where on earth was he for their 1st goal? I saw him stood in the middle of the pitch whilst Cabaye had to run out wide and close Bellamy down. I am not blaming him for the goal as we still should have defended better after that BUT when he is being picked ahead of others for his 'defensive' side yet he actually does fuck all defensively questions have to be asked


    Oh and there is the other matter of him being complete shit going forward



  4. In fairness to Simpson, Tiote shouldn't have put him in that situation.  He arsed about on the ball for way too long.


    He should have got rid as soon as he got the ball, he can't pass at the best of times so what was he hoping to achieve by holding onto it


    I think we should Tavernier a go, surely can't be worse than this guy

  5. The guy is not a footballer, that much is clear. At best he will do average defensively BUT he offers nowt going forward. He can't control a ball and his passing is woeful


    I hope we revoke the contract offer because i can't stand the thought of him being our rb for the next few years

  6. I don't think players get a clean slate. It's just that they have to reach 10 yellow cards to get a ban after 1st Jan.


    You are right


    Hopefully Tiote and Colo can get through today


    Last season Tiote had 14 yellows and 1 red in 28 games, this season he has 4 yellows in 12 games so there has been a slight improvement on that front

  7. So what happens in the games played on the 1st? Seems a bit of an unfair advantage if the cut off is the 31st Dec


    They get a clean slate, just unlucky for us we are playing on the 31st. A fairer way would be for it to apply for the match today and tomorrows games


  8. Disappointed BUT can't say I am surprised


    They clearly don't care too much about pushing the club forward, it is all about staying in the division with as little cost as possible


    We are in a great position and all it takes is a couple of signings (they don't have to be huge fees or panic buys) to ensure we will finish 7th no problem and maybe even push for 6th BUT I can see us dropping down the table, especially if Ba gets injured

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