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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Stroller really is an apt nickname for him. There was one moment in the 1st half where he did well to win it wide left on the halfway line, he passed the ball to the middle, eventually the ball is played out wide right and then Raylor advances with the ball and delivers a cross, yet where was Shola? Probably managed to advance about 10-15 yards in that time, just ambling forward with no desire whatsoever to get in the box, as soon as he laid the ball off he should have busted a gut to get into the box BUT he just ambles around. There was some good touches when he had his back to goal BUT he managed to ruin it by running into defenders or playing a shitty pass

  2. Played well and he more than helped out defensively. We have said it for a while now BUT he has to start, we are a better side with him in in


    Yes he lost the ball a few times BUT did he lose it more than any of the other players(midfield-strikers)? I don't think so, I would much prefer seeing him try to beat a man than us just launch it to Shola only to see us lose the header and the 2nd ball

  3. AlcockKyran Kyran Alcock


    @dembabafoot hope your knee gives way and your out for a long time #praisethelord


    @AlcockKyran may god bless you and forgive you for your sins


    Cool as a cucumber reply from Demba  :lol:


    Class  :smitten: :smitten:

  4. Don't see why people would sell for a couple of million then expect Newcastle to splash out 6 or 7 on a foreign fullback. We aren't really go to do that are we? More realistically take the money, play Raylor there and if he gets injured, we've got Perch who can fill in.


    I think a lot of people have suggested we go for Clyne who is neither foreign nor will he cost 6 or 7 million


    Obviously if selling Simpson means we sign nobody then I doubt you will find a single person wanting us to sell Simpson

  5. I remember feeling quite sorry for both as it was their second big injury at a fairly young age.


    Campbell has been very unlucky, feel sorry for him,  missed nearly 2 years of football. Can't ever remember seeing Meyler play tbh



  6. I liked the one "i'd only wish injuries on their players, would hate to see what their reaction was to Meyler and Campbell" I don't recall anyone giving a f*** because they're nothing players?


    Indeed. When Whickam got injured I don't recall a single person here getting happy about it, in fact the reaction was the opposite. Sunderland a classy club? HAH

  7. With free signings of good players, they choose you, not you choose them. Basically we'll have to pay the going rate to keep him. Spurs aren't a mega wages club, so Twitchyface can say what he likes but they won't be in pole position. It just shows once again that he is a slimy hypocrite playing the media for what he can.


    What happened with that lad (Forest was it?) where we said there was an escape clause but they said it didn't mean they had to sell?


    You mean Neil Taylor (Swansea)?

  8. My guess is that 7 Million would be the 'first option or buyout' price to sign the player whilst he is under contract to NUFC.


    Meaning that if anyone else offers 7M+, NUFC would have first option to match that offer to keep him.


    This would effectively blow our transfer budget in this window on a player we already own.


    Both Spurs & West Ham would have plenty to gain from this situation.



  9. Demba leaving would be horrible BUT it would be much worse to see him join another Prem side, especially Spurs or Liverpool


    BUT here's hoping if this clause exists that we are doing our utmost to get him to sign a new contract and remove this shit

  10. So it looks like Ben Arfa was the one against playing wide?


    No, it looks like Pardew's now trying to suggest this was the case, after previously saying he didn't think Ben Arfa 'had the relish' for that position.


    I'm more than prepared for the possibility that it was Ben Arfa's choice. But after seeing how obviously disappointed he was when Sammy came on at LW instead of him and knowing Pardew's stubborn streak, I think this cryptic stuff could be an attempt by Pardew to put him on the wing without having to admit he was wrong. Spectacularly wrong.


    When we first signed Ben Arfa on loan lots of the reports in France suggested one of the reasons for him wanting to come here were because Hughton had promised to use him in his preferred no. 10 position. I don't doubt at all that HBA had made it known to Pardew that he'd like to play the number 10 role preferably. Whether he refused to play wing is another question.


    Well he didn't do a good job of keeping that promise since he only played him on the wing (admittedly it was only a few games)


    Personally I am inclined to go with the theory that it was Pardew that didn't want him out wide. I find it very difficult to believe HBA would rather be on the bench than play out wide


  11. Ba wont be going anywhere in this window....he is away with his national team ffs.


    If there IS a clause and i dont beleive there is, he will be offered a new deal i reckon. Similar to Tiote who signed and then was offered a new deal some 6 months after he signed. Or something like that.


    don`t think he can go anywhere anyway this window. IIRC there is some sort of rule where a player can`t sign for 2 clubs within 1 year (release clause or not?)


    It is no more than 2 clubs in 1 season, since he has only played for us this season he can move during this window though I doubt he will

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