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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Try going a day without eating and then doing any physicall activity, it effects everything! which is why i said he should either break his fast or we shouldn't pick him untill after the Fulham game. BUT he is eating/drinking at sunset and sunrise and then on match days he eats as normal Ba is just struggling because we are not utilising him properly and his confidence looks a bit shot, needs that first goal asap
  2. It can happen, similar to the Barton deal in that if the deal was to happen it would not be held up by a medical If he is having a medical then at least we know they are happy to sell him
  3. It would like. Nah it would not, especially since on match days he does not fast
  4. He does not fast on match days though Still only 3/4 more days to go
  5. According to the police he's apparently broken someone's jaw, ran off then been caught and arrested. As I said before, by all accounts they wanted him out of the club anyway. He's just confirmed it. Not a lot else to it really, the club stood by Carroll because of his ability (value). Fair enough if that is what has happened, can't defend that Obviously if he was mint and scoring the club would back him BUT as it is he is going to get ditched
  6. Aye let's condemn him before we even know what the hell has happened :facepalm: If he is at fault then no doubt that is him done and dusted here
  7. Simpson was shocking against Scunthorpe I think the reason he looked good last season was that he replaced James Perch who was an absolute car crash at right back, so Simpson naturally looked mint after replacing him His game is very limited though, if he was brilliant defensively then you could probably overlook the fact he shits his shorts when he has the ball whilst going forward BUT his defensive game is nowt special Next to no chance of us signing a right back so would not mind seeing what Tavernier can do at right back
  8. Really? Who do we play in Right Midfield? Jonas? Obertan? Jonas is best on the left and Obertan can't play on the right We are risking it by putting players who have either hardly played there or are not very good there
  9. Really? Who do we play in Right Midfield?
  10. His replacement is Gabriel Obertan and Peter Lovenkrands
  11. Geordie Ahmed

    Joey Barton

    Disappointed he has went BUT I can understand his reasons for going I fail to see how anyone can be happy with this (well aside from Fat Mike and his ego) because he is a good player and our team is now weaker as a result of this, the chances of getting a replacement are next to nothing
  12. Aye, would love for him to still be manager in March. If we can beat them and play daydream believer over the tannoy again that would be epic
  13. Geordie Ahmed

    Joey Barton

    Would be shocked if he turns down QPR. They will undoubtedly be offering him a decent wage on a lengthy contract It is unlikely he will be offered anything from Ashley regardless of how he plays so really he won't be gaining a lot by staying
  14. Still £7m though, cant grumble at that, its a fair amount for a left back. once you convert it into pounds it's £200,000 more than we got for enrique. however i'm sure the reports today have been 6.8m? which is £26,000 more. Jose had only a year left, where as Pieters has longer, i think the value for either of them will be determined by how well Pieters does, we all know how well Jose did, if Pieters does better then £7m will be seen as cheap, time will tell Pieters won't do better than Jose, Jose was quality BUT as long as Pieters is a good left back that will do, not many left backs out there better than Jose in anyways
  15. Was poor tonight, just like he was against Arsenal BUT the guy is not shite, that much is quite clear - anyone that thinks he is shite obviously did not watch him play for West Ham I do think there is a confidence issue, he badly needs that first goal BUT more than that I don't think we are using him properly, today balls were being launched towards him and he was picking up the ball around the half way line way too much. He needs to play off the last defender where he can run onto passes and be attacking in the box, instead he is dropping way too deep, not his game at all I suspect Pardew and Co just saw his scoring record and that he was on a free, thought great let's get him BUT it appears they have never seen him play because he is not being used properly
  16. Lovenkrands, wtf, that too in right midfield. That just highlights how badly we need a right winger/midfielder Anyhow C'MON
  17. I wish they would stop being tight gitts and buy this guy. He is quality and we need a left back, the time for fannying around has long passed
  18. That's a belter :mackems:
  19. Nah, that will be saved for Barton's replacement
  20. Absolutely I agree, was frustrating reading about local lads going to other clubs because our academy was poor. Hopefully that is a thing of the past
  21. Great post OCK, enjoyed reading that I think it is great that we are taking the youth structure seriously and properly investing into. I love following (via this thread mainly) the academy and reserve side, it is exciting BUT I would add that it is possible to both admire the effort into the youth structure and be dismayed at the amateurish way the first team recruitment is being conducted (the left back and striker search primarily). I don't think you will find anyone that thinks spending money on the academy is a waste of time
  22. So Cabaye's wages are £3mill yet Nolan and Enrique combined are £4mill?? Aye right
  23. What? Clubs are driving a hard bargain knowing we have no left back and about a week to make a signing? Never . .
  24. Geordie Ahmed

    Joey Barton

    Appreciate the goals Nolan scored for us, especially the 4 against the scum BUT these are such shitty comments from I would be surprised if Barton dropped down a division, even if they offer him decent wedge. Hopefully he can have a good season and we offer him a 3 year contract
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