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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. I don't think he has ever gotten any abuse at close quarters, it has only been the chants around the ground I think the fans are over the singing nasty stuff about him (well until his next big cock up that is)
  2. Not really bothered since I don't rate him. We could easily do better and soon we should be looking to upgrade on him, giving him a 5 year contract would be daft
  3. ...is pretty much spot on, regardless of your opinion of the guy. Still amazed how this is missed by the mongs who chant "get out of our club" at every possible opportunity. Give over. He's alienated almost the entire fanbase since he's been here and yet we're not supposed to voice negative opinions about him and sing nasty songs because it makes him feel sad and not want to spend any money. I don't see what you expect to achieve by singing "get out of our club" - in the early post-Keegan atmopshere, it may have been able to help drive him out. By this point, it's just pointless. EDIT: and allows DL to come out with that kind of answer to justify why MA isn't putting anymore £££ into the club. When was the last time any nasty songs were sung about him? Don't think there have been any this season
  4. Can't see it happening. With Smith gone at the end of the season, Colo is the outlier of the wage bill and would have to swallow a severe wage cut for a longer contract. I agree, can't see it happening either BUT to me it would just highlight the problems of having such a strict wage structure Without Colo we will be a poorer team, no doubt about it - he is worth the money he gets paid, value for money is what the management love to go on about and Colo certainly does provide value for money It's very hard to keep players to a wage ceiling of 40k a week when you have one member in the sqaud on roughly double that amount. Not only would you be paying his wages, but also the extra amounts to keep other players happy given the pay disparity. Well it will be very hard to progress if we are not willing to pay players what they are worth
  5. Can't see it happening. With Smith gone at the end of the season, Colo is the outlier of the wage bill and would have to swallow a severe wage cut for a longer contract. I agree, can't see it happening either BUT to me it would just highlight the problems of having such a strict wage structure Without Colo we will be a poorer team, no doubt about it - he is worth the money he gets paid, value for money is what the management love to go on about and Colo certainly does provide value for money
  6. Just seen the Bardlsey stamp on Mata - what a prick, after what he did to Colo he needs to be given a lengthy ban
  7. I keep saying it BUT give this man a new contract asap
  8. So lets get this right. You have a better defence. You have a better midfield. You have better forwards. Amazing,simply amazing how you continually conspire to finish below us year after year. Lets get one thing very,very clear,Newcastle do not have a forward anywhere near the class of Gyan and I mean not even close. You might not either if Gyan gets his way :troll:
  9. I would rather they have these international fixtures at the start of the season, don't like how we gave 3 games and then a 2 week break
  10. Geordie Ahmed

    Alan Pardew

    I would be shocked if he walked, he knew the craic when he agreed to the job whilst Hughton was still manager He will be gutted because I think he probably felt he could have gotten more out of the board than the £1mill he got I hope he does remain patient because he has done a good job on the pitch and he probably is the best manager we can have under this ownership
  11. Whoever came up with that headline/title should be shot
  12. Well the lesson isn't specific to the last day of the transfer window. My point was that the example of Carroll wouldn't encourage Ashley or anyone else to pay over the odds or pay what is now being called 'a premium', for a player you've targeted. Unfortunately the valuation of players we set in almost every case is stubbornly/optimistically low in the first place. So it's not the case of paying a premium. The reason Carroll was eventually overvalued at £35 mill was because we the selling club supposedly didn't want to sell and Liverpool kept coming back. In all the deals we were interested in the clubs were willing to sell and had set a price but we wouldn't meet their comparatively fair valuation. Not 100% correct. In two of the cases (Erdnic and Gameiro) and we did meet their evaluation. But the players didn't want to leave France, or preferred Spain. And I read that we were close to agreeing a deal for Maiga, but Souhoux refused to sell because they didn't find a replacement.Maybe they hit the same difficulties as us..? I wonder if they had 7 months to find a striker like us ....
  13. Not familiar at all with their problems BUT I noticed Peter Ridsdale is their in some capacity, does he go to clubs that have problems or does he help create them?
  14. Yeah I simply can't see him going for Sports Direct as a shirt sponsor, surely even the Fat Man is not that stupid? Highly likely one of his cheap brands will be kit manufacturers which they can get away with
  15. Geordie Ahmed

    Alan Pardew

    It also emphasises that Pardew should have no say in player transfers if his list of wanted players is true. I reckon it is as true as the list we saw come out after Keegan had to leave Very different situation though, the Keegan list was clearly aimed at denting the reputation of an ex manager who had walked out. Pardew is still here. Pardew is their little puppet really, they can ruin his reputation as much as they like BUT they know he is not going anywhere
  16. Geordie Ahmed

    Alan Pardew

    It also emphasises that Pardew should have no say in player transfers if his list of wanted players is true. I reckon it is as true as the list we saw come out after Keegan had to leave
  17. Reportedly 80k a week BUT worth it imo, he is one of the best defenders in the league and it is only fair that his wage reflects that
  18. The board loves talking about value for money, well even on his current wage Colo is worth every single penny, he is such a massive player for us we need to make sure he stays. The wage bill has been trimmed enough and come the end of this season the departures of Smith and Lovenkrands will have helped, we should use their wages to go towards Colo's new contract if need be Though I know there is next to no chance he will sign a contract extension and no doubt there will be some who think he is a greedy cunt that is trying to bankrupt the club
  19. Won 2-1 Dan Taylor and Knight (Pen) with the goals
  20. Geordie Ahmed

    Alan Pardew

    I agree that would be good BUT sadly I think Lovenkrands is ahead of him in the pecking order, which is just
  21. Howay man, he said we are saving the money for January
  22. If Alan Pardew gets fed bullshit by Ashley and Lambias what chance does a poor lass on the phones have?
  23. It is the pretending to sign players that takes the piss If you don't want to sign anyone then no need to feed bullshit to your cock sucking pals in the media, the fans don't deserve that shit Wankers the lot of them, from Ashley down to Pardew
  24. This window is worse due to twats like ryder being on twitter, plucking things from his arse
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