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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Players like Murphy are difficult to replace, not necessarily based on ability but he's versatile and more importantly he's a positive character, I've never seen a sub being subbed that was as happy as him


    Having said that due to FFP we do need to sell players from time to time and a fee of £20-25m is pretty good


    Guess Howe will have to weigh up whether the fee is worth losing such a valuable member of the squad

  2. 16 hours ago, Kid Icarus said:


    It's like £40 so yeah. I'm hoping they don't ask me to send it back, but if they do I'll pay up front then you get it back from DHGate after

    I ordered 4 nufc tops back in July (2 adults, home and away, 2 kids, home and away)


    There was two issues with the order, firstly only 2 of them arrived (one and one kid) and secondly they were Celtic tops :lol:


    Opened up a dispute with DHGate, the seller offered a resolution of £0.01 and he also messaged asking to allow him to sort it but I declined the resolution and full refund was authorised. They didn't ask me to return the 2 the arrived (they were personalised so not sure if that was a factor)




  3. By the time January arrives we should have Barnes back, maybe Murphy too and as others have said he'll be away to AFCON, by the time that's done the above two along with Anderson/Willock will be back


    Him staying at Feyenoord is absolutely the right thing to do for the remainder of the season, especially as he's getting regular minutes


    In the summer it will be interesting to see what we do, if he stays there is the luxury of him not taking a squad space and Howe can take a closer look at him


    Though I'm sure for 2025-26 he still doesn't take a squad space so even another season long loan could be a good idea 

  4. They've got a solution for dissent already, they just need to enforce it


    Sin bins will just become an inconsistent farce


    They should focus on ensuring everyone knows what is covered under dissent (should know already) and then be firm and consistent in applying it


    How often do we see players clearly swearing at the referee and absolutely nothing happens, especially if it's the bigger players at the "bigger" clubs

  5. 1 hour ago, janpawel said:

    Yeah I think to play in our midfield 3 requires a huge amount of intelligence and each position seems to be unique, ie Longstaff and his relationship with tripper/Miggy is totally different to joelinton and burn/Gordon... It's not a case at all of just slotting in and winging it


    Amazing he can fill in as effectively away at a European superclub. 


    Wonder what we will do next season with him, a loan at some point I'd have thought would be the plan but he looks good enough to genuinely be a key part of our squad 

    Can't see him going out on loan, Howe had made it clear he's part of the first team squad, he'll get enough minutes here and continues to be around Howe/players


    Don't really see what value a loan would offer, especially if it's at a lower level 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Disco said:

    You’d hope with BVB more or less out of the title race in Germany and out of the cup they’d value the coming top of the group. You never know though. Even dropping half a % can be the difference. Just need to make sure we do our job and then we can have no complaints either way.

    They are only a point ahead of Leipzig in 5th so they'll not be going easy in the league


    The winter break coming a couple of games after the PSG could help in ensuring they still give it maximum attention 

  7. 5 minutes ago, TaylorJ_01 said:

    I'm just absolutely sick of VAR. It's ruining nearly every game. It takes up 100% of the chat and seems to make one absolutely woeful decision per game. It just feels like it isn't compatible.


    And this is at the top end of the game. It's even worse in SPL etc where you have poorer quality refs and slower tech. It's also sapped up all the refs into SPL and the lower leagues are now reffed by random cretins.


    Could it ever be binned or are we too far gone?

    I think it's too far gone, invested a lot of time and money into it, they won't go back


    So focus needs to be on how to improve it, how to make the laws clearer and how to up the standards of the referees 

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