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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 8 minutes ago, Fezzle said:

    Which is why they tried to rush the rule in, clearly dodgy use of our connections. Agree like, dont think we will anyway but its totally right to want to block it. Should have been done long ago when Watford were rife, although they never challenged the top 10 so didnt matter

    It's not uncommon for parent clubs to still cover the bulk of wages for players on high wages that are loaned out


    You think Sevilla were paying the full whack for Martial? 

  2. 1 hour ago, Danh1 said:


    Enjoy the bitterness on there. :lol:


    The ethically right, squeaky clean fans of Liverpool FC at it again. On about joining the EFL and severing ties with the PL. All because them and their other corrupt mates are no longer calling the shots.


    A personal favourite…..


    “No surprise that City, Newcastle and Chelsea, the three biggest stains on English football, voted that way. Loathsome clubs doing loathsome things, as expected”


    That from a Liverpool FC supporter. Staggering. 





    Cheeky doylems have short memories


    They were one of the major clubs that pushed to leave the EFL and form the PL all because they wanted more money (Ironically Everton were part of that too)


    They created the beast that is the Premier League, which was about greed and money and are now upset the chickens are coming home to roost 


    They can shove their moralising because it's utter bollocks coming from them 

  3. Just now, Fløtliaprinsen said:

    Premier League WILL allow Newcastle to loan Saudi stars as plot to block 'related-party loans' fails by ONE VOTE after hours of talks at top hotel, with Everton deduction and Man City charges hot topics


    Anyone knows who the 7 teams voting for this were?

    No idea but guarantee the focus will only be on us, whilst the other 6 clubs will be left alone

  4. 3 hours ago, Cronky said:


    I think the problem is that there are so many ways of falling foul of FFP, and so many different circumstances, that a consistent formula for working out punishments is impossible. As an example, Everton tried to reduce their stated overspend by saying that they could have sued a player for £10m but decided not to because of issues with the player's mental health. That's not a situation that's going to arise very often.


    Whatever its flaws, I'd rather live in a football world with FFP than without. We get focused on the way that it makes it difficult for new owners to break into the big six, but its main purpose is to protect clubs from owners who take undue risks and then leave the club high and dry.


    I'm not sure there would be quite as much hostility to FFP on here if we hadn't been taken over by wealthy owners. Let's face it, there's a tendency for football supporters to define what's 'fair' in terms of what happens to be in their own club's interests.


    Is it though, what steps are in place for FFP to stop that?


    There was nothing to stop leveraged buy outs and for smaller clubs a rolling 3 year of losses of £90m could still leave them high and dry


    FFP is there to pull the ladder up, the suggestion that it's some noble policy to protect clubs is just naive


    If it was truly about that then there would be measures in place to do that, such as ensuring owners foot the bill if they make losses etc

  5. 53 minutes ago, astraguy said:

    what happened? don't remember him coming off 

    He went down screaming towards the end of the game, seemed to be in a lot of pain, managed to carry on but obviously has affected him

  6. They are actually quite fortunate it's happened this season (Obviously they'd rather it didn't happen at all) but the bottom of the league is so tragic that with this points deduction they are only one win from getting out of it


    And they are the most in from side from those towards the bottom

  7. I do find the calls for wanting to scrap VAR is way higher for those that support "bigger" clubs


    Don't have any data to support it and it would be almost impossible to get that data but those clubs would get far more decisions in their favour, not saying it was obvious corruption but unconscious bias can play a huge part 


    VAR isn't perfect but it was never meant to be. I think the mistake some people have made is assuming it would eliminate mistakes entirely but it's a system that's dealing with subjective decisions so you'll never get that full accuracy but I find it's way better than before as big mistakes have been reduced 

  8. 39 minutes ago, leffe186 said:

    Yeah, I actually did this once in a game when I was a teenager. IIRC I partly did it to be a cocky little shit though.

    Tbf it is a cocky move and I respect that, as I don't think many people will know the rule 


    I played an 11 a side charity game once, I intentionally was standing ahead of the defender from goal kicks, he asked me why I was standing offside, he didn't realise you can't be offside from goal kicks which I took great delight in explaining it to him (Our keeper couldn't even kick that far so was pointless me standing there :lol: )

  9. 9 minutes ago, r0cafella said:

    Cities revenue is 700m according the latest accounts. :lol:  

    Is that covering last season?


    If so, then the treble as well as player sales will have driven that


    And yeah, we know their "sponsorship" will have driven the revenue up over the years too

  10. 54 minutes ago, MrRaspberryJam said:

    Howay man there’s no chance he’s fumbling that! 

    I mean there is a chance, I agree it's very, very unlikely but no need to take that on if you don't need to 


    (Also it prpbably wastes a few extra seconds as well as)

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