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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. Bye Joey.  :-[ Will be pretty gutting to see him against us in under 2 weeks time. I'll give him a good reception.




    Ashley needs fucking shot with poo coated bullets tbh.




  2. http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/302951_2327685597293_1404275070_32715052_6359074_n.jpg


    :lol: Raylor absolutely bombing up the NUFC legend scale this week!

  3. Just read some quality shit on SMB.


    Some dude goes:

    ye, like your fucking wife is going to make your life hell for the next 2 weeks. Try working in a factory with dozens of hairy arsed twats from Byker and Walker. People who despise Sunderland, SAFC, Mackems and anything associated with the town and football club. You haven't got a fucking clue, you fucking tit.


    and gets the response:

    And I thought the Jews had it bad in WW2.


    You should tell the head teacher mate, don't suffer in silence. Bully's are more afraid of you than you are of them. Or is that Spiders? Anyway, good luck, hang on in there. X


    Cracked me up.  :lol: :lol: :lol:


  4. Most stands these days are too steep for standing as they have been made for seating. Level 7 is a good example of that. Maybe newer stadiums where the stands arn't so steep or lower level stands can be used for standing but not in most stadiums. The oly true way to have safe standing would be on a none steep stand with rows like they use for seating where it one person on each row then a full length stand stopping people from going into the row below. With that in mind I can't see how it's cheaper than seats as all your doing is replacing the seats with a safety fence. That's probably a good solution for stadiums that don't have steep stands like Wembley.


    Anyway people moan and groan about standing on a Metro or bus, standing around in crowds when they come out of a match, honestly I think it's more of a case of because people have been told that they can't stand is the very reason why they want to stand. If safe standing is implemented then I would say once the novelty has worn off most people wouldn't want it.

    What? :lol: you think the only reason people want to stand at football matches is because they're not allowed too?

  5. Does Ba dominate defences and create chances like Carroll does?


    When AC's on his game, he is unstoppable. Reducing it to goals is too simple. He didn't score in the 5-1 but he set three up and they had a man sent off trying to stop him.Will Ba do all that? Let's hope so but those trying to convince themselves that we've not lost something special are living in a dream world.





  6. Really don't think we should sell. We've heard from quite a few sources he's a pretty key character in maintaining a good changing room atmosphere.

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