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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. As an outsider the TU come across as being a bit up their own arses, like theyre the only people who make any noise. Perhaps I get a skewed perspective but I can only tell it as I see it.


    Perhaps the TU should see if NUSC can provide them with some space on their website in exchange for a bit of web design advice. We all need to work together to drag the club out of the mire, put on a united front.


    you say tu are a bit up their own arses then recommend they should join up with nusc?

    you couldn't make it up.


    Im sorry Fading Star but , I am going to have to 100% agree with wshmag on this one.


    I can understand how you would think the TU are stuck up there own arse , but to be honest we have helped alot. Not saying we make the atmosphere but as a group we have contributed largley in my opinion.

    I have a lot of time for TU in many ways, but theyre becoming a disruptive element. More concerned with themselves than the greater good. Too quick to cast themselves as better supporters than the rest of us. I hope its just case of a small minority creating false impression, but have to say Im starting to have my doubts.



    So here's a chance for both groups to help each other really.


    The NUSC could show that they're keen to get an atmosphere in the ground, and the TU can finally get rid of their name, appeal to more supporters, and have a bit of guidance, etc.

    I wasnt suggesting they were absorbed by NUSC, but yes there might be an opportunity for them to help each other out.


    For NUSC it might be a good way of shaking off the misconception theyre just a protest group, and for TU it would remove the need to fund a web presence. Theyre could be more scope for co-operation. NUSC might be able to able to fund the production of some banners etc for example, but the starting point is some mutual respect and to the best of my knowledge Ive never heard NUSC slag of the ultras.


    You seem rather biased towards NUSC if i'm honest.

  2. Chris Brunt.


    And someone who we know will get around 20 goals a season. Eg Jason Scotland, Sylvain Ebanks Blake...


    Honestly, I don't know why any of those three you've named would join you. Brunt is in a side who'll probably find bouncing back easier than you, seeing as they've got a proven Championship side. Ebanks-Blake gets a shot at the Premiership. And Jason Scotland is playing for a really exciting club atm and is their talisman, it's no more than a sideways step. You'll be able to attract more players than any other team, but the star players of teams you're competing with (unless they hit financial difficulties) will probably be slightly out of reach. The clubs won't want to sell them and beyond money I can't see why players would take a sideways step.


    I was using the 2 strikers as an example. I meant a player like them.

  3. IF Shearer doesn't stay then we should try and get Coppell. Him and Dowie have good knowledge of the Championship and would set us in good stead to mount a charge back into the premiership.

  4. Not sure.


    We'd retain some good players (for that league, anyway) and would theoretically have our pick of players as comfortably the biggest club down there.


    Then again we'd be a Cup final every week for the rest, and they'd be trying harder against us than anyone else.




    I also think that we'd need to sign some good championship players I.E. Chris Brunt, Jason Scotland, Joe Ledley...

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