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🗡️ 2025 Loser
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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. Six hours since the last post, did you just have the urge or something? mackems are twats.
  2. Erm, yours doesn't work though, Guv.
  3. I think I can actually remember the dildo's, come to think of it.
  4. What an unethical twat.
  5. I've still got that somewhere, if that's what you're referring too. Was smarties rather than pills.
  6. I've not been there that many times but when I have it's been to get a bag of chips and some poppers. I think there's always been rumours you could get pills and that there but I'm not sure, other people will know better than me.
  7. http://www.candicetripp.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/011.jpg
  8. Me too man, heart's bleeding for the arrogant little twat.
  9. Bless. Forgetting the wisdom of them getting involved, there ain't a hope in hell Nike would do this unless they were manufacturing the kits as well mind.
  10. Interpolic


    Just caught up with all this. What a wanker.
  11. Tyldsley's commentary embarrassing as usual by the way.
  12. This might make them angry.
  13. I think I just spotted 2 of them!
  14. It'll be regarded as a moral victory for England if they get 35%+ possession tonight.
  15. Lampard with the face of someone who knows a raping's on the cards.
  16. Wouldn't be surprised if this means no England job for him tbh, that's the way these scandals play out these days.
  17. It's the opposite of interesting, proper hardcore yawn.
  18. Interpolic

    Sammy Ameobi

    Take it whichever way you like.
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