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Everything posted by Ameritoon

  1. John Wayne Gacy approves this post.
  2. ? Not got it on any more. I seem to be successfully missing everything here. Ball was bouncing out of play, Messi launched at it at the crowd unnecessarily.
  3. Jose got what he wanted out of this game. If they score.
  4. Great ball but Di Maria needs to hold that up.
  5. Busquets will go down on anything.
  6. The handshake was pretty weak from both sides. I could see why Hughes wasn't happy, Mancini didn't even look at him.
  7. Love how the whole thing could have ended when Balotelli was walking off the field and Kompany thinks it's a good idea to pull him back.
  8. Sunshyyyyyyn It had to be heard to experience it. I will be anxiously looking around the internet. It's hard to even imagine it in his awful voice.
  9. We should work on getting him a "rotation" contract when he first signs. /fm
  10. i hope so No. A few people in the crowd but Torres didn't do anything but a thumbs-up.
  11. I had resigned myself to not seeing Wigan next season. Going to be pissed if they're still in the Prem.
  12. I knew someone would get a photo of this. I just sat their in my bed too stunned at this mistake to get my camera.
  13. Ameritoon


    Did any of my fellow Yanks hear what Bob Ryan said about that national anthem on Around the Horn? I only saw a minute of it, which consisted of Reali cutting him off before he finished. He was not happy about it though, not sure how anyone could not like that.
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