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Everything posted by Ameritoon

  1. I think he made a statement after not making the WC squad about how didn't regret it. Although, I'm sure there was part of him that realized with him we could've beat Ghana and won the CC.
  2. I can hear Rossi's American accent there. The little cunt.
  3. Ameritoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Different injuries though, Ben Arfa's shouldn't take as long. I would think we'll see him in mid-March or so, if this holds up.
  4. Ameritoon


    4-4-2. The wingers pushing up, essentially as attacking midfielders, two CM's staying deep, but one more creative and attacking. And usually a forward that can come back and get the ball.
  5. It's kind of a dumb thread idea if you don't want guys like Torres and Squillaci, etc. It's the same guys every season who shouldn't be in the Prem but have somehow attached themselves to a team.
  6. I would like to think this could self-destruct and restructure things at FIFA. But, who's going to stop them?
  7. Ameritoon

    Joey Barton

    The link doesn't even work anymore. Calm down, everyone.
  8. I know what you're saying. I love Darke too, but after his success this summer we've been exposed to him more, which shows some of his weaknesses. For all of his great calls he sometimes rambles. Still, one of the best.
  9. That was some of the most shocking defense I've ever seen.
  10. Thinking of the Belgium NT's future gets me all hot and bothered. They can be so good. Wish they didn't have such a difficult qualifying group for Euro's.
  11. Naples, FL you're talking about, right?
  12. Love The Guardian, wish it was longer, but prodcasts are not very high a priority for me, so I probably would never finish an episode if they were.
  13. One of those Americans with two laptops. What kind of stereotype is that?
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